Ok, so I am 18 and have been lifting for what will be 3 months on the 17th.
I have been doing a 3 day split consisting of chest/tri/shoulder, back/bi, legs.
The first two months my 1 rep maxes improved like this.
Bench 185-205
Squat 185-315
Deadlift 300-405
As you can see the bench barely moved compared tot he other 2. But a month ago I sprained my ankle and I had it in a soft cast for 2 weeks, and the doctor said not to squat/dl for a month. So in the last 3 weeks of only upper body my 1rm has gone
Bench 205-255
It is freakin flying up. Could it be that since my body doesn’t have to worry about repairing my legs from those heavy squats/Dls that I can build more muscle/gain more strenght on my chest/back?
I still havent done legs yet, and I plan to check out if I have lost any strenght there tommorow.
Also While my bench/pull down/rows are going up alot, the isolation stuff is pretty much staying the same. Could it be that since I am lifting heaver on my compound movements that the muscles are more fatigued than they used to be, so even though they are stronger they can only lift the same on the isolation movements which come after the coumpounds?
Also is this progress abnormal? Because from what I have read here, and from what people I know have told me, you would usually expect to see strenght increases like this in 2 or 3x the time it took me.