I’m able to pretty consistently improve my squat by 2.5KG.
I do miss some times, but I’m very happy with my legs and back.
I Started squatting something horrible like 70KG. The bench was like 50KG.
I’m confused about the frequency with which I’m failing bench progressions.
I can usually make a 1KG jump, but too often I can not.
For not being able to bench my own weight yet, these presses just seem way to hard.
I do have really small arms compared to legs due to bicycle racing, but surely most people dont have such slow progress on the bench if their other lifts go up in good progressions?
I never end up with DOMS in the arms, chest or shoulders, either. Just the back, and only rarely.
How would you recommend I change things up to speed up my upper body development?
Should I swap my Bench for 5x5, or put it before my squat?
Is it possible that a heavy squat is using all my energy and killing my ability to perform the presses, thereby slowing my progress?
Where are you stalling at with the bench. Most likely your small arms are the problem your triceps are probably not up to par and are failing at around half way up due to having g a weak lockout. Its the most common problem with increasing pressing whether its overhead or bench. Start incorporating lockouts and heavy triceps work. Will probably cure your problem, but if you would post what a actual training weak looks like I could probably give better advice or even better a video of your bench press.
Squat 132.5x5x3
OHP 53.5x5x3 (second try to get this weight), 1KG jumps
Dead 145x5
Side lateral raise 10KGx10x3
Front lateral raise 10kgx10x3
db bicep curls (Summer is coming here 24KGx10x3
one arm db rows 26x10x3
Squat 135x5x3
Bench 80x5x4, 80x4 (I took a couple tries to work through 78.25x5x3)
P/Clean 80x3x5
Basically I’ve been trying to do Starting Strength with like one vanity day a week.
Have been eating and sleeping pretty well, my squats previously gave me some hassle at around the 115KG mark, but I worked through that with a reset and widowmakers for fun.
You have absolutely zero direct triceps work man. Also I am willing to bet your benchimg with a elbows flared rather tucked which means your triceps are seriously neglected. I am willing to bet if you replaced one of your heavy bench days with some lockouts and some triceps roll backs on your vanity day with in the month you will see gains to your bench maybe not dramatic as you want but much better.
Yeah, I think you’re right in that the elbows are flaring.
didn’t realise it would affect my gains so seriously.
When I fail its usually about 2-3" off my chest, after being careful to gently touch my solar plexus.
Will tape my next bench session and see what’s up.
Will add the triceps on the vanity day.
Are dips to failure a suitable addition?
I wouldn’t do dips to failure just use Rep scheme for them just as you are for everything else. Make sure you keel your elbows tucked torso up right best you can to hit the triceps.