I agree that it’s literally impossible to OHP 300 and not bench 3 plates. I think you have to make a choice just like I do, either improve OHP, it seems very difficult to increase both at the same time.
I see, so doing basically what some guys call OHP, which is somewhere between incline bench and OHP in degrees? I could see myself doing it, but def not on the smith. I hate shit that locks my joints in a certain plane of motion. I used to do leg curls and shit and biceps machine but I booted it for that reason. I don’t think smith is for pussies, it just felt so incredibly akward on every exercise I tried it on.
@locomotor I have in the past, ended up rounding lower back even more. Maybe I should try it again, but it actually feels so good to lift whitout it!
@oldbeancam Yes, I think you have a point. I will OHP twice a week on BBB, 510,58 and 5*5 which should be enough volume on top of normal 5/3/1.
I like your suggestion in your second post, that seems really nice! Tons of volume plus heavy work, but I suppose if I do that I can forget about bench?
I might have to put it on the back burner to focus on OHP more.
@T3hPwnisher Wow that’s exactly what I did! Always push for max reps and add a FSL set after. It still feels weird that I can OHP 45*11 (not failure) and 60 barely goes up haha!
Nice stats!! 216*4 at 195 is absolutely incredible!!! Don’t you find your shoulders to get thight after doing bench? And I like the idea of dips, but they seem to pull something in my shoulder,form is perfect as most pressing movements, any idea? Nothing else hurts, not even BTN press.
@clee78 Your suggestion seems similar to the others in this thread, I think you guys are onto something haha. I always fail on forehead level, I actually once literally rested the bar on the top of my head on a failed pr lol
@Ramo I have the beyond book, will check that out later. Do you think press could respond to 510 @ 65%, 58 at 70 and 55 at 75? I really want to do boring but big, but I could do it for bench and squat, for deadlifts I’ll do snatch pulls from blocks, and I could use some of the suggestions here on the thread, or this BBB variation would work? There is also 53 and 5*1 variations.
Thank you to all the people that replied to this thread, I really appreciate it guys!