Strained Neck While Doing Pullups

Pushed a little too hard on last rep and tweaked my neck - for the second time in about 6-8 months. For any of you who have dealt with this, here are my questions.

  1. Ice, heat, or alternate both?

  2. I have no money or insurance for a doctor…is foam/tennis ball rolling sufficient? And if so, how often?

  3. Any stretches (warm-up or other) that can quicken th healing time or prevent this from happening again?

Thanks for any help you can give me. Im due for a heavy pr setting madcow 5x5 workout on Sunday and want to get rid of this strain as soon as possible.

1.) Ice will help with pain reduction in the acute phase (1-2 weeks) then heat after to encourage blood flow. I personally don’t like ice to promote healing though–some will disagree with this.

2.) Do you mean foam roll your neck? If so, don’t do that, ever. Just do pain free ROM work and attach a light band around your forehead.

3.) Stop craning your neck during chin ups, squats, etc. If you’re straining so hard your neck comes unpacked you’ve reached technical failure and you should end that set.

If it is a strain then it will take a while to heal.