My shoulder seems like it will be ok to go for lifting again in 2-3 weeks (finally after 7 months) and to take up my spare time I thought I’d find a routine to be happy with so I can go all out when I get back…
(problem with my right shoulder: no pain, just can’t contract right pec properly and it’s a little less stable than left - as long as I maintain a balance in my exercises I can train with quite a bit of intensity when it gets better)
Ok it’s a 3-way split done twice a week, so I will be training 6x a week (I have free time - I hate sitting around doing nothing, so I will be at the gym)
Wednesday & Saturday: Quads / Chest & abs
4 x 12 - Back Squat
3 x 8 - Leg press
3 x 12 - Barbell lunge
4 x 6 - Barbell bench press
3 x 8 - Incline dumbbell bench press
3 x 8 - Pec deck
3 x 12 - Dumbbell pullover
3 x 20 - Hanging leg raise
3 x 20 - Weighted crunch
3 x 20 - Weighted back extension
*At least 1 hour rest period between Quads & Chest so I can keep the blood in the muscle groups.
Thursday & Sunday: Back / Hamstrings / Calves
48 reps - Wide-grip pull ups
2 x 6 - Deadlift
3 x 8 - T-bar row
3 x 8 - Lat pulldown
3 x 8 - Seated cable row
4 x 6 - Standing leg curl
4 x 8 - Lying leg curl
3 x 25 - Hack calf raise
3 x 40 - Seated calf raise
*At least 30 min rest between Back, Hamstrings & Calves so I can keep the blood in the muscle groups.
Friday & Monday: Shoulders / Arms / Calves
4 x 6 - Military press
3 x 8 - Arnold press
3 x 12 - Lateral raise
3 x 12 - Rear delt flyes
superset - Barbell curl
4 x 8 - Triceps pushdown
4 x 12 - Hack calf raise
4 x 20 - Seated calf raise
*At least 30 min rest between Shoulders, Arms & Calves so I can keep the blood in the muscle groups.
I will keep the weight the same throughout the sets and aim for failure each set. For progression, I will keep the weight the same and gradually double the sets above, I will try to get all exercises to around 12 reps also, then finally decrease the rest time.
4 x 6 - Bench press > same weight
4 x 12 - Bench press > same weight
8 x 12 - Bench press > add gradual weight from here on after.
Of course this is just a guideline, if I feel it’s too much volume i’ll just progress by increasing weight/reps instead.
Ok so thats it, of course I’ll eat tons of food (clean) with most of my protein coming from beef.
Sample diet (wednesday: quads/chest)
9am - protein shake
11am - 4 slices wheat bread, 8oz chicken (2 sandwhiches)
12:30pm - 1lb beef, rice
3:15pm - protein shake
3:45pm - 4:45pm - train quads
post-workout - optimum recovery
6:30pm - 1lb beef, rice
8pm - 9pm - train chest & abs
11:30pm - 1lb beef, 2 eggs
What you guys think? Feel free to pick it apart as much as you want, shall I remove exercises? change some up with different ones? go heavier? go lighter?
I will not be doing any full body or upper/lower split routines however, as I hate them.