So I haven’t trained at all in 3 months, and not properly since christmas in 2007, due to a shoulder problem.
My shoulder wasn’t getting any better, so thats my reason for stopping training completely.
It burned frequently and I had a lot of tightness in the right side of my neck/trap.
After hundreds of pounds spent into physios and getting an MRI, no one pin pointed a general problem and a way to fix it. I would of spent money and took a trip to US to have Eric Cressey go over it himself, but i dont have the resources for that.
After 3 months of a regular sedentary lifestyle, it has got better, sort of, theres less burning & tightness, but i think thats down to just not wiggling it around as much and ignoring it completely.
Anyway, I’m over it. I am just going to train regardless.
I’m fed up of reading different reasons for shoulder problems & all this bullshit how to fix it - bands, massaging, foamwork - none of it fucking helped one little bit, infact focusing on it & working on it more, made it worse.
I just want to train and get big/strong and hope it fixes itself.
My progress was stalled before because I over analyzed shit. So I just want to do a simple routine, that will get me big/strong and prevent me from getting any muscle imbalances.
Here is what I plan on doing:
Day1: Squat/Calf raises/BB shrugs
Day2: Bench press/Dumbbell row/Rear delt flyes/BB curl
Day3: Deadlift/calf raises/DB shrugs
Day4: Military press/Chin up/Rear delt flyes/Triceps extension
Day5: Off
Day6: Off
Day7: Repeat
I am not sure about rep ranges & sets…
I’ll probably just wing it, build up to 2 heavy sets on deadlift, keep the rep ranges high on squats, and do 4x6-8 for the upper body stuff.
Anyone got any advice? I’m starting from scratch again so I might aswell get something solid to get started on.
For diet, I know what to do, it’s just a matter of actually doing it.
BTW, is supinated grip military press ok on the shoulder joint?
Lately when my shoulder flares up I just hold some dumbbells out in front of me, elbows slightly bent with underhand grip, and it starts feeling a little bit better. So mabye doing supinated grip m.presses could help?