Well, I’m pretty new here, but let me tell you about me. I’ve been doing what you want to do for about a year. I’m 34 and I haven’t trained since high school.
I quit smoking a year ago on my 13th aniversary. I weighed 245/48% at 5’9". I started working out again because I had been in shape in HS and while I was in the Navy, but I had let myself go for the last decade or so. My dad is shorter and bigger than me, so I came by it honestly.
So this morning, I weighed 189, with a bf of 24%. 34" waist, down from 42 1/2". My 10 year old daughter says I look 19. My wife told me the other day that I’m a hottie now. My 13 yo son’s female classmates giggle whenever I walk by. (That’s what I was shooting for. Teen groupies! YEA!)
So you are where I was a year ago. And I’m telling you that I thought and felt every single thing that you are now. It’s natural.
Here’s what you have to do.
Go to the gym. (SHUT UP AND LIFT THE DAMN WEIGHT) Set a schedule and don’t let anything, ANYTHING, get in the way of that. If work rears it’s ugly head, go afterwards. I get up at 4 (it’s a navy thing) and to the gym at 5. It’s the time I have.
Learn. Everything you can get your hands on. Nutrition, training, cardio, supplementation. Make yourself an expert. The people here are a great source of information. I have learned more from reading Berardi than anybody else. You can find him here on T-Nation.
Eat. This is where the learning part starts to get important. Eating is 75% of what you want to do right now. 3 meals at BK won’t cut it anymore. You have to eat better than that. Eat smaller meals, whole food - not prepackaged stuff, and eat them more frequently. As you cut out the fried, fast foods, your moods will get better, you will feel better and have more energy.
You know, that’s it. Lift, learn, eat.
The most important thing is to know where you are coming from, where you want to go, and understand that you aren’t going to lose all of the weight in a week. Or a month. This is a lifestyle change. You can’t do this for a couple of months and then quit. You will be worse off than before. You have to decide that you aren’t going to be like this anymore. You are going to change the way you do things.
There are other things to consider as well, but they aren’t quite as important right now. You have to bring your body back to a healthy point first. Goal setting (more than the general “get back in shape”) is something that you will learn about as you go along.
Oh yeah, find yourself a workout partner. Somebody who has been there already. Someone stronger and more experienced than you. Someone who is there every day. Someone who will kick your butt if you don’t show up. If you have a friend that works out, that may work, but I would recommend that you look at the gym you will be going to and find someone who is already there. It may take a couple of months before you find someone who will work, but you will be amazed at the change a good partner will make in your workouts.
There’s so much information out here that it is easy to get overwhelmed or confused. Don’t get caught up in the hype. There are no magic pills, no overnight routines. Lift, Learn, Eat. Talk to people who share your desires. Be careful how you spend your money, be intelligent about your choices, and for God’s sake, remember that not all advice is good advice.
You said you can’t look like an A&F model? You don’t know yet what you can do. Just a couple of months ago (REALLY), I learned that I don’t have to be fat anymore. Don’t limit your choices. You are a bodybuilder now, a fledgling T-Man, on your way to being hardcore. You can do anything you want.
Lift, Learn, Eat.