Just figured I’d start a thread with some feed back on daily injections.
With my lowish shbg of appx 19, and always having such high FT and high E2, I thought it’s time to give it a shot. I haven’t felt much from TRT over many protocols, so dailies it is.
Starting with 10mg test everyday IM. I may stagnate shots to 11mg/10mg/11mg/10mg etc etc.
Wondering how long until I notice anything? My last shot was 44mg last Thursday (4 days ago).
subscribing to see how you do on daily.
If you take T cyp or E it takes ~40 day to reach steady state.
I would not change anything just based on how you feel for one day. You hormones will be readjusting and some can over/under shoot.
I feel like daily shots made me feel the best out of any of any protocol I’ve tried. You probably know from my log thread that my E2 got too high for me and messed me up good. Besides that incident, I feel great at the moment and have been ok for about a week now.
With dailies I don’t feel the rush that testosterone can give when it’s adminstered in higher doses, less often. My mental clarity is improving and so is my memory. I also sleep better (when E2 is controlled). Libido and arousal are back since my E2 episode as well.
Right now, I’m doing IM. I usually just go 30g 1/2 inch needles into quads and shoulders. I may switch at some point to Subq. But for now, IM.
When I was going eod shots, mental clarity improved a lot. Almost like a more positive outlook… and things that generally would’ve stressed me out, didn’t. Maybe less anxiety?
I’m most concerned about libido and, specifically, arousal. I daydream about sex and see attractive women (libido) but the physical reaction to one (my girlfriend) is very limited. Just a little blood flow, but not enough to get a full erection that’ll stay put for sex. And there isn’t that increased heart rate or “I gotta get laid now” feeling involved. Hard to describe.
I had the same thing going on just a couple weeks ago. Thinking about sex but it’s like my mind was disconnected from my body. Mine was def E2 related as I feel normal again after dropping my dose and using DIM for a week.
I also feel like I can tolerate a lot more on my plate, just like you did on more frequent dosing. Hopefully your arousal will sort itself out soon.
Bro I don’t think my experience is typical, so don’t be scared. Your SHBG is a bit higher than mine so you might be fine. I also may have other issues which could be complicating things as well.
I can feel that what I THINK is my e2 falling, as I feel more mentally alert and articulate. I also have been sleeping a tiny bit better. Lower e2? Or as physio mentions, maybe less CNS stimulation from smaller test doses. Who knows.
Felt more energetic in the gym as well this morning.
Still getting great nocturnal/morning wood. Just nothing is terms of arousal or libido. (yet, hopefully). A good test will be how I respond to my gf this weekend sexually.
I preloaded a weeks worth of insulin syringes, so injecting is simple and fast.
Noting some low emotion feelings. Not feely cuddly w gf. Not feeling emotional. Perhaps low e2 or just the fluctuation of it as I adapt to
New protocol.
A little irritable
@systemlord. You think it’s just both T and e2 are temporally reduced due to
Going from 60e3d to 10-12mg daily?
All your levels are low and you have to allow time to adapt. When you were doing 60 every 3.5 days, you had more half life stored up in your system to hold you over.
When I started out at 10mg daily, after a week it felt like my levels were already high, as if I skipped all the way to week 5-6 within the first week, progress was too fast. The difference between 7mg and 8mg was huge, small moves have big consequences for me on daily.
10mg daily was way too much testosterone for me. Once you find to right daily dosages you’ll start feeling like a million bucks.
Daily doses are suppost to increase your TT and decrease your E2 do to small T peaks. Some have reported needing to cut their weekly dose by as much as 20% to get the same TT as twice a week.
That said I have only seen 3 people report daily has helped them. One on this forum and two mods from another. Many have reported no improvements or worse and have gone back to their normal protocol frequency.
But to give dailys a good test 6 weeks is about where you’ve reached steady state on the T so if things are going to get better it should be happening in the next month. If nothing in the next 4 weeks I’d dump the daily as many have.
Still good morning wood. Mentally feeling ok. Very low emotionality. Like cannot seem to be emotional with girlfriend. Hard to say I love you… No desire to give affection. I think it’s that my e2 is low or fluctuating.
Your E2 could still be too high. Don’t treat something you have not tested for.
Did you keep your weekly dose or did you reduce it for daily injections?
I ask because I do believe on daily’s your average TT will go up.
Then what does a higher TT give you? A higher E2.