1 Year of TRT through Canadian MD, and have hit a wall of feeling forced to choose between shitty side effects with effective treatment vs. less side effects and shitty treatment. Been on Delatestryl for 12 months solid, at all sorts of dosages. Will list them below with their associated bloodwork.
At age 38 showed numerous signs of Low T that I’d been accumulating for at least 6 years (fatigue, lack of strength, muscle aches and pains, joint pain, shitty immune system, easily exhausted, easily injured, couldn’t gain weight, anxiety). I had never heard of low T. Has likely been a somewhat lifelong problem, as I hit puberty late, grew late, and legit weighed only 135lbs. at 6,1 until I was 32 years old. Despite eating anything, training, etc. Could not gain weight. Similar to others, was recommended SSRI’s for the anxiety component almost immediately and never had my T tested until last year.
A new doc finally picked up on the symptoms and suggested I have my TT tested; came back 158 ng/dl. Retested it a month later along with FT and Bio; was TT 250 ng/dl, FT at 48 pg/ml and Bio at 112.39 ng/dl. Under value even for Canada’s system. Referred to local internist as we have no Endo locally. He has no idea why it’s low and listed the cause as idiopathic. Rest of the blood work is fine, otherwise healthy aside from some anxiety, no probs with ED or libido and I fathered children easily.
He started me on 1 IM injection per week of 200mg Delatestryl, and motherfucker I felt great within 24 hours of the first injection. Was like magic, gained 10lbs in 3 weeks without touching a weight or changing my diet. All aches, pains and exhaustion gone. Haven’t been sick since. Already good libido was 18 year old insanity. But, by week 5 was like someone flipped a switch and the dick was non existent and the libido at absolute zero. Also, acne became just ridiculous by week 4 and has never let up, worse than teenage.
What followed was 11 months of labs with dosage adjustments as he’s trying to avoid side effects, and attempting to get to a Free T value of around 20% under the max listed on the labs. (His idea)
All converted to US units. Protocol has been 1 injection per week IM, self administered into the Quad (vastus lateralis). Nothing else. CBC is always fine except for an MCHC that hovers around lab max.
Pre TRT Baseline =
TT = 158-250 ng/dl
FT = 48 pg/ml
Bio = 112 ng/dl
TSH = .95 miu/l
FT4 = 0.85 ng/dl (11 pmol)
FT3 = 260 pg/dl (4.0 pmol)
4.5 weeks 200mg, blood 5 days after dose. Felt amazing for first 4 then ED & 0 Libido + wicked acne =
TT = 1328 ng/dl
FT = 388 pg/ml
TSH = .76 miu/l
2 weeks on 150mg, blood 4 days after dose. Libido improved 50%, ED still shit =
TT = 1075 ng/dl
FT = 315 pg/ml
E2 = 34.9 pg/ml
TSH = .69 miu/l
FT4 = 0.70 ng/dl (9 pmol)
FT3 = 325 pg/dl (5 pmol)
Prolactin = 15.8 ng/ml
3 weeks on 100mg, blood 3 hrs after dose. Libido a bit worse, ED improved =
TT = 1093
FT = 312 pg/ml
E2 = 32.7 pg/ml
TSH = .87 miu/l
FT4 =0 .78 ng/dl (10 pmol)
FT3 = 370 pg/dl (5.7 pmol)
Prolactin = 10.2 ng/ml
9 weeks on 70mg, blood 1 day after dose. Libido and ED issues gone, back to insanely good =
TT = 807 ng/dl
FT = 213 pg/ml
E2 = 28.1 pg/ml
TSH = .94 miu/l
FT4 = 0.85 ng/dl (11 pmol)
FT3 = 344 pg/dl (5.3 pmol)
Prolactin = 11.4 ng/ml
13 weeks on 60mg, blood 1 day after dose. Libido down a bit, No ED =
TT = 810 ng/dl
FT = 225 pg/ml
E2 = 26.2 pg/ml
TSH = 1.16 miu/l
FT4 = 1.01 ng/dl (13 pmol)
FT3 = 357 pg/dl (5.5 pmol)
Prolactin = 14.6 ng/ml
*Was instructed to lower it to 50mg for 3 weeks and then to 40mg and remain until next lab. I managed 2 weeks at 40mg before I threw in the towel and upped it myself. Felt like complete ass, almost all symptoms of low T returned, or it was withdrawals or something. Upped it to 75mg where I had felt might work best based on previous levels.
8 weeks on 75mg, blood 3 days after dose. Great at the start, felt like the beginning for about 3 days. All physical symptoms gone almost immediately. Great libido, but some annoying ED returned 6 weeks in =
TT = 680 ng/dl
FT = 185 pg/ml
E2 = 32.7 pg/ml
TSH = .76 miu/l
FT4 = 1.01 ng/dl (13 pmol)
FT3 = 299 pg/dl (4.6 pmol)
Prolactin = 10.7 ng/ml
*He suggested it was medication resistance and that I raise it up even further to sort out the ED, so I went back 100mg and immediately and completely killed my dick/libido.
This is where I started searching for further answers online and found this site. Learned a lot, mostly that he’s got me changing some early dosages way too fast and that trying to achieve a FT of 20% under lab max is retarded.
I feel this could have gone better. I specifically asked him before I started, I’m willing to try this as long as I don’t lose my hair and I can still be fertile. He said it wouldn’t effect either. Well, my balls are atrophied as fuck and my otherwise normal hair started thinning like crazy at about month 4. Certainly feel a hell of a lot better physically, can’t possibly argue against that, but what the fuck I have to give up a lot to get that. Has to be a better choice than struggling with sexual problems, ridiculous acne, etc., just to feel normal. I’m not shooting for gains or anything, just normal.
Sorry for the long ass post, but I don’t know what the hell and you guys seem to like information.