Can Someone Clarify Why Ultrasensitive E2 Test Shouldn't Be Used?

I have tested e2 twice now with results of 49pg/ml and 28pg/ml using the ultrasensitive test (<29pg/ml). Both results were on different trt protocols.

Currently waiting results from my third test now.

I just noted in the sticky that we shouldn’t be using the ultrasensitive test. I have read other places that was the test to use.

Can someone clarify if ultrasensitive is accurate enough to use? Any info would be helpful…
Thank you.


No reason you should not use the LC/MS/MS (ultrasensitive) test. There is some evidence that the immunoassay (ECLIA) test may overstate your E2 status as it may pick up other steroids (and be influenced by other items). This is likely highly individualized. The LC/MS/MS test is more expensive. I’ve been getting both as you can see. The results have been close, at least close enough that one would not direct me to a different protocol over the other. But, that’s for me.

So, let’s say the IA test gives you a result 26ng/mL. It is possible your E2 could be lower. How much? Without a corresponding LC/MS/MS test, it is difficult to say. I would go off of how you are feeling regarding any side effects of either low or high estrogen.

The IA test will not pick up levels under 15ng/mL. Therefore, you could get a result of <15ng/mL. That could be 1, or 14. Big difference.

I’m going to run both for a while for my own curiosity. I was able to speak with a MD with Quest regarding this issue. He told me he is “somewhat on the fence” but if he had to go with one over the other would use LC/MS/MS. He thought the IA would be OK, but the overall clinical picture would impact that decision.

Thanks highpull.

The only reason I went on trt is due to having zero libido for about 20 years. I am 40.
I was diagnosed secondary without any tumors, etc. I’ve been slowly working to fine tune my protocol, but still haven’t found sex drive.

The only real symptoms I have are never getting good deep sleep, maybe a little irritable and foggy headed. Towards the valley, right before my next shot, I seem to become more clear headed and feel “good” (but still no sex drive).

So at this point, I’m not sure which way to go, up or down, with e2. Some say anaylize the ratio (Test/e2), which would say to increase my e2 a bit. But some (like ksman) is pretty big on the 22pg/ml, which would likely mean adding some arimidex, which I have on hand.

Question: I could try some dhea to increase e2 OR I could try some arimidex to lower it. Which (dhea or arimidex) is less forgiving if I end up going the wrong way? Any thoughts?

How did you fee at 28 e2?

I have suspected what HighPull said for a while. That the 2 numbers would be fairly close. I have never used the ultrasensitive test.

My E2 always comes back at 30 and I feel great, no e2 symptoms.

Don’t chase a number.

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Always chase how you feel. Never a damn range or numbers. Amen bro.


That 28 e2 was taken at trough on a day I felt mentally clear and happy. After my shot, this feeling goes away, so I’m guessing e2 creeps back up and the good feeling goes away?

I’m wondering if pushing e2 down more (lower than the 28) would help. Right before my next shot I start to feel mentally clear and I feel like I’m on the cuff of going into that good “sweet spot” range but then I take my shot and it goes away. And, if I go lower, maybe libido will respond?

Currently I’m 50mg test e3d.

Maybe try more frequent injections to see how that feels. Go E2D or ED just to try it out. Then its not such a bump.

It’s higher within 24 hours on injection day. Maybe try 0.5mg about 12 hours after injections and see how you feel with that. I know, a lot of trial and error here.

You are so close. You could literally drop your dose by like 5-10 mg and get where you want to be.

That’s basically what was happening with me, I realized that 50 twice a week was putting me too far over, so I decreased to 40 twice a week… Was feeling OK, but not great, e2 symptoms subsided, so I started doing 45… BINGO…

Don’t take an AI or HCG.

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I feel like I’m around the sweet spot. I have felt subtle twinges of sex drive once in awhile. I keep a log and have been trying to figure it all out.

I should’ve noted I have really sore shoulder joints. Something I haven’t had this bad ever. And I’ve been a lifter since 1992. So I was somewhat thinking a symptom of low e2.

It’s been hell having zero libido. The attraction to females is there but very little communication between that and down below.

I do get good morning and nitetime Wood.

try lowering it a little bit.

Your not on ai or other e2 control are you?

No. My only e2 control has been zinc w copper and consistently eating cruciferious veggies (an over abundance).

I get new blood results in a few days. I may take test down to 40mg twice a week and see how I feel. I’d rather no start arimidex.


Zinc and the veggies might be bringing it down lower than you think. Will be interesting to see.

I think that is the smartest choice. Once you start messing with an AI, its a whole bunch of other issues.

try 40 a week, give it time to stabilize and see how you feel.


Assuming I find the sweet spot/libido on a lowered dose and can get a test to see what the e2 is, couldn’t I then up the testosterone and use an ai to keep e2 stable at that lowered level in order to reap more of the trt benefits?
I’m guessing at the lowered testosterone dose of say, 40mg twice a week won’t yield much in terms of muscle or gains in the gym.

Depends on where it puts your TT I guess.

On 90 a week, I’m crushing it in the gym. Motivation is through the roof.

As soon as I wake up, the gym is the main thing on my mind. The motivation is amazing.

When I hit the sweet spot, I couldn’t stop flexing in the mirror, admiring my gains. I went through my closet and found all my sleeveless shirts because I felt THAT confident.


I’ll post back test results early next week when they come in.

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Wouldn’t his free testosterone be the issue? It’s not that great now, if SHBG is high lowering test will bring free test down.

I’ve seen cases where when e2 drops the freet goes up

Zinc is way more powerful than people think.

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@anon10035199 @physioLojik

I see the point lower dosage so no ai. But is it true that as we age we aromotize more?
If so , I mean we can’t keep lowering dose? Right?

If am able to stay at my current numbers 600 total t 2.3% free t and take .1 Dex a week that good no? Yes I can try to lower test a bit.