If I see a woman using the products on Amazon, it is because it is not working.
You’re looking at foods, soy, fennel, sesame seeds, garlic, flax seeds, red wine, etc.
If I see a woman using the products on Amazon, it is because it is not working.
You’re looking at foods, soy, fennel, sesame seeds, garlic, flax seeds, red wine, etc.
So you are saying, to use these to increase Estradiol, instead of this cream…
Did you confirm vitamin D dropping your E2 on blood test with no other factor involved. I’ve had bad luck with vitamin d supplements before, just felt funny.
Tested low recently and started using them again. Almost done with whole months worth of capsules and been having brain fog last week or so with dry cracked lip.
Yes. I dropped all of my supplements and vitamins, leveled out, took labs and got an E2 reading. Took 5k vitamin D a day for about 1 week and retested and it dropped my E2 considerably.
Maybe after my levels bounce back from this whole month I can maintain with 5k twice a week.
In my experience, the people I see that used the OTC hormone creams are talking to me (because now they want HRT) because they did not work. I’m not saying they do not work on anyone, some must think they do or they wouldn’t exist. So, I see a biased sample.
No harm trying, if it does not work you simply move on the something else.
I referenced some food off the top of my head known to support estradiol. I’ve known guys that used beer after crashing E2 with an aromatase inhibitor.
Thank you for your information. Any concern with the other ingredient, as i understand which is estrone? From what i understand, is largely inactive in males.
Inspired by @Robroy I got my doctor to prescribe me estradial pills, I will start with 1mg/day, do labs after four weeks and titrate upwards if necessary.
Similar to rob, I’ve been on TRT for three years now, tried every protocol under the sun to no avail.
Numbers have always come back looking good but I have always suspected that my E2 was too low relative to my Total test. For reference, when I was at 1500 test, my E2 was 40 and at 1100 test, my E2 was 24. I feel like my E2 should be in the 75-100 range at a test of 1100 so that’s what I’ll be shooting for.
I have all the low T symptoms of low mood/libido/strength/endurance/stamina/etc but my main issues are low penile sensitivity and sleep problems which I feel are linked to estrogen imbalance.
I will update the thread if/when I experience something noteworthy, wish me luck!
I’ve tested with E2 in a ratio of 40:1 when I went higher dose peepee worked so so.
Stopped messing with estrogen for a long while and last tested around 20:1 ratio with E2 being 38 on trough injecting twice a week. Dick was pretty much useless.
Dropped T for a dose or two and went down to 100mg without messing with E2 or anything and it’s working pretty reasonable again.
Not sure what my problem is with higher dosing and losing all function of my dick as I said higher estrogen, lower estrogen, higher ratio, lower ratio, nothing god damn works for me when I inject higher dose even if it’s within TRT parameters of 140-160mg. (Overall though letting my E2 rise that much made things worse, or not better at the very least not sure. For certain higher dosing just kills me)