Been on different doses of test since 2017.
Mostly test fucked up my naturally good libido.
Have had success with npp only, dbol added and some success with test and primo which eventually went to shit.
Ive tried all from 80mg test a week to over a gram.
Ive done ed injections, eod, e3.5d, e7d and 10d, some better than others but generally my libido with test has always been worse than natty, majority of the time basically non existant with ed.
Have thruout the years suspected too high e2, too low e2, too low shbg and blabla.
Today, for the first time, ive gotten my hands on estradiol valerate, oral of 2mg.
I will now start with 2mg Daily, added to my current weekly test dose of 350mg.
Energy is great, strenght is great, drive, confidence and ambition is great.
Libido is currently total shit.
Lets up my estrogen and see what happends, here we go!