Anecdote about Pregnenolone for Low Libido Brahs

Okay so as many of you know ive had great problems with test only when it comes to libido, essentially from my very start doing “TRT” in 2017.

That is, 6 years without having a good, consistent libido, using test.

Ive had great sucess with other shit, IE primo, NPP, dbol added blabla, but only test? Usually limp cock, 100mg a week or 2g a week doesnt matter.

Anyway so now Im on 2g test a week and nothing else. As expected, libido is (was) dead.

I used pregnenolone before, but being a nutcase I used 100mg a day coupled with 50mg DHEA a day for like a week which made me feel tired AF and like a worm, completely uninterested in anything but sleeping.

However, I do recall how I after a few days I felt a great surge of sexdrive, but I attributed that to alcohol and other shit.

Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I decided to try again, I did 50mg.

Day after I felt sluggish and somewhat tired, however, my libido was slightly there.

Interesting, I thought.

So i took another one.

BOOM too tired, fuck that.

Decided to back up, no preg for a few days

3rd day without, my libido was VERY strong, like very very teenage levels strong, the desire to put my cock in a little hole was there, which it seldom is on test.

Okay, I waited nother day, 4, 5, … libido still strong

Added nother one, today SUPER LIIBOD, I woke up with fucking cum all over my bed, IE i came in my sleep and now my cock is so hard I could kill the annoying neighbour clubbin her down with it.

Now im gon wait a few days before another one.

I need to get pills with a smaller amount of preg, maybe 10mg, as 50mg ED is too much, but is obviously need a little bit of preg to get goin.

I hope this continues, cause this makes me super super horny.

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Thumbs up even on entertainment value of your posts. With hank gone you are all I got for pure blunt humor. Thanks and hang in there!

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Supplementing preg made me feel weird to be honest. Like in a bad way weird, didn’t help at all. Maybe too high of a dose as well, not sure why 100mg capsules are so damn common.

i take 100mg preg + 25MG dhea. my libido swings a bit. from horny to not interested. are you saying that a lower dose preg is better?

thanks for posting

Preg ALWAYS helps my mental clarity. Speaking, thinking, etc. But i was using 50mg.

Keep us posted on this Rob

yes, 50mg might be too much as it tend to make me sluggish the day after… but after a few days libido is raging, it seems.

maybe 10mg is better, or 15 or whatever, gon try find.

This is crazy, i feel exactly when I felt natty, like that burning desire for any hole out there, love it

vig steve recommends 10mg daily so 100mg is a shit ton

I don’t know man I am not a big fan of Steve. Nothing personal but all the online gurus it just seems like they found something that works for them or doesn’t hurt them and then it becomes gospel.

Keep us informed though I am interested.

One of my hypothesis is maybe a lot of us would be able to tolerate higher dosing that even includes higher E2 if we can maintain sleep and control BP. Like one way or another fix those 2 issues and then TOT will really feel godly for me.

5mg dose

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Agree about Steve and other gurus. I do believe his advice regarding 10mg a day came from him seeing tons of clients bloodwork concluding that 10mg a day usually put em at the top of the reference range in preg.

For me, 50mg a day is for sure too much. I notice tiredness but some times also extreme moodiness where i truly snap in roid rage fashion.

Last time i did 50 or 100 ed for like a week i remember taking the jar of protein throwing it across the room suspecting the girl im seeing had taken almost all of it lol, like a true boiling my blood feeling that i just couldnt control.

And im a calm fucking individual.

You really start to understand why women can act as crazy they sometimes do when you experiment with hormones like this lol.

What is the “half life” of pregnenolone??

When I take it, not good libido, day after, not good. But ALWAYS the 3rd damn day after that 50mg pill I HAVE A RAGING LIBIDO, RIGHT NOW AGAIN, WTF IS THIS

How do I fix this, I want this libido every day!

I started taking 5mg/day this week. I’m interested in experimenting with this “raging libido” you speak of lol.

I have no definitive info on the half life (and couldn’t find via a quick Google) but recall reading somewhere it was 40? hours. Maybe your sweet spot is 10-15 mg if you’re taking 50 mg now. Cut a pill in quarters and see what happens.

freaking capsules, gotta get the actual tabs!

The question is would you have te same feeling when on a true trt dose instead of the 2g of test… you should also experiment with that…

He’s tried all kind of various TRT protocols for years, just because he’s blasting now doesn’t mean he does it all year round.

I know… im just wondering if he goes back to trt dose WITH the preg, if his libido would still be this strong

Oh good point

Who knows man gon try it.

Im gon try get my girl pregnant so went to the doc got all kinds of tests.

Semen was kinda low so he gon put me on hcg and wanted to put me on a “trt dose” of 400mg, so “i dont lose my muscles” lmfaoo!

Anyway what is interestering is…

On 2g of freaking test, along with 300mg npp btw, so 2.3g of gear… my bloods are perfect.

Even hematocrit, which tends to rise on androgen, and many people have problems with it on even trt… mine was 45 lol.

And this is after 6 years on all kinds of roids.

Now that is funny.

Wtf xD

Are you under Danny Bossa’s care? Or hanging out with Dexter?