Okay so as many of you know ive had great problems with test only when it comes to libido, essentially from my very start doing “TRT” in 2017.
That is, 6 years without having a good, consistent libido, using test.
Ive had great sucess with other shit, IE primo, NPP, dbol added blabla, but only test? Usually limp cock, 100mg a week or 2g a week doesnt matter.
Anyway so now Im on 2g test a week and nothing else. As expected, libido is (was) dead.
I used pregnenolone before, but being a nutcase I used 100mg a day coupled with 50mg DHEA a day for like a week which made me feel tired AF and like a worm, completely uninterested in anything but sleeping.
However, I do recall how I after a few days I felt a great surge of sexdrive, but I attributed that to alcohol and other shit.
Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I decided to try again, I did 50mg.
Day after I felt sluggish and somewhat tired, however, my libido was slightly there.
Interesting, I thought.
So i took another one.
BOOM too tired, fuck that.
Decided to back up, no preg for a few days
3rd day without, my libido was VERY strong, like very very teenage levels strong, the desire to put my cock in a little hole was there, which it seldom is on test.
Okay, I waited nother day, 4, 5, … libido still strong
Added nother one, today SUPER LIIBOD, I woke up with fucking cum all over my bed, IE i came in my sleep and now my cock is so hard I could kill the annoying neighbour clubbin her down with it.
Now im gon wait a few days before another one.
I need to get pills with a smaller amount of preg, maybe 10mg, as 50mg ED is too much, but is obviously need a little bit of preg to get goin.
I hope this continues, cause this makes me super super horny.