Low Libido Guys, Read This

So I’ve stumbled onto something possibly promising by mistake. I inject 66 mg test E every 4 days. For the last 6 months. Everything is great. Except I’m still chasing that crazy libido.
So by chance today about 1 hour before my injection I took 2.5 grams of a really good mucuna Pruriens powder standardized to 15% l-dopa. I take it a few days a week with no remarkable boost in libido.
But today something weird happened.
Immediately post injection I was overwhelmed with euphoria and insane libido.
Now I understand placebo, and how there’s no way the testosterone worked immediately.
But what can it be? I know mucuna increases dopamine receptors.
The way I can describe it, is remember your TRT honeymoon? Exactly like that.
I will duplicate experiment again in 4 days.

The problem with a lot of those supplements for me at least is they usually work great for a short period of time before they lose the effect. I’ve experimented with all kinds of shit.

My libido was good on regular dosing but it is constantly 110% since I started switching between 185mg for 2 weeks to 200mg for the next 2 weeks and then back to 185mg & restart (libido is really the only difference I notice). I read it by accident on an endo I really respect’s personal thread that he does this for all his patients. I started doing it and I literally feel like fucking 24/7. My tinder has become a part time job. On another note, them ladies can sense that high T. Thinking about posting my bloodwork as my tinder profile pic.



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I kid you not, there’s something to what you’re saying. As my levels of test raised my tinder matches were getting out of control. As it lowered so did the matches. This was easier to monitor when I was injecting once a week due to peaks and troughs. Very weird. Some esoteric shit for sure. I might try you way if 185-200 every 2 weeks.

So 2 weeks 26.4 mg a day and 2 weeks 28.6 mg a day?

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How come this doesn’t throw off your homeostasis?

My thought is this little dosage change creates a hormone profile close to his natural one, the problem for some is having your levels rock stable all the time, your body is used to the natural pulsatility spikes of gnrh and LH which is lost on TRT.

This is why some men don’t regain sexual function on TRT, because their body doesn’t like levels elevated 24/7, also the body gets used to the same old same old hormone levels, the body like variability.

Men who are natural have different hormone levels every single day.

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The point is to keep you from achieving complete homeostasis but not enough of a disruption that your levels are way out of whack like during a dosage change. Best of both worlds. It’s like exercising for the endocrine system vs it sitting on the couch being bored.


do you notice higher libido during the 2 weeks of higher T?

What do you mean by 185-200? Are you talking IU’s? The many different ways to convey the dosage, it confuses this newbie.

I take 0.21 ml IM 3 times weekly of test cypionate 200mg/ml. So would that mean i’m doing 690IU’s/week?

I guess its irrelevant if i just work off of percentages of my dose. I can alternate between .18 ml and .21 ml every other week. I’ll have to try this. I want my libido through the roof.

There are no IU measurements in testosterone. 185-200 mg a week is what he’s taking weekly. So if you were to do that, it’s 1 ml of your cyp. He takes it daily.

You’re doing 42 mg 3 times a week. So you’re weekly total is 126 mg. But probably less as I can’t see how you’re doing it 3 times in a week. If you’re doing it every 2 days then you’re doing 147 mg a week. If you’re injecting every 3 days then your weekly total is 98 mg.

Uh, Monday/Wednesday/Friday? Not hard.

No shit. But that’s be a stupid way to do it. Not very stable with 2 days off at the end.

You’re assuming the same time every day. Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Friday night = 56 hours between each injection which is perfectly fine

Tons of people do once a week and are totally fine despite what you read on this forum. 48 hours vs. 72 hours isn’t automatically going to send everyone into a tailspin of hormonal despair.

Big difference between once a week than every other day followed by every 2 days followed by every other day. Once a week you’re still stable as you’re getting the same injection exactly every 7 days.

Math isn’t your strong point apparently.

Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Friday evening IS CONSISTENT. It’s ~56 hours between each dose.

You’re assuming that’s what the guy is doing. I can assure you based on what he typed and thinking he’s doing “690 IUs of test” a week, he doesn’t have this figured out. You’re derailing this post with your side tracking. Stick to the topic.

Libido is the same throughout. I feel no different on the 185 or 200mg. It’s not enough of a difference to “feel” higher and lower but it’s enough of a disruption to keep libido sky high.

Do you recommend doing this 2 week back and forth right away when starting this protocol? Or allow the 8-12 weeks to settle in at 200 mg a week? Starting this in a few weeks. Right now I’m in 66 mg every 4 days.

For the record (just so it’s clear to others who read this in the future) the point is not that 185-200mg is the way to go its that you adjust 5-10% of your weekly dosage that you have found works for you and stagger that dosage. I wouldn’t mess with staggering dosage until you find an optimal dosage first.

So you are taking 115.5mg per week. So add 8mg for 2 weeks (123mg) then go back to 115.5mg for 2 weeks.