Hi all, just a heads-up to our European friends to notify you of my 2 upcoming seminsra in Florence IT (October 13th) and London UK (October 20th)
Seminar topics include:
Understanding Training Principles: Principles dictate methods- if you don’t master the former, you’ll never understand the latter. You’ll finish this session with a dramatically improved understanding of the classic training principles, plus a few you may never have heard of.
Smart Programming: Getting the most from your workouts by optimizing sets, reps, tempos, and rest intervals. On this subject, Charles is a true iconoclast, questioning all conventional logic.
Mastering EDT (Escalating Density Training): Charles outlines the principles of his leading-edge training system, and a few lucky partipants will have the chance to take the system on a test drive! After this session, you’ll possess a complete understanding of EDT, and the ability to implement it in any situation.
Exercise Biomechanics: Charles takes you on a guided gym tour, showing the best way to perform everything from squats to rotator cuff exercises.
Goal-Directed Behavior: You know what to do- here’s how to get yourself (or your clients) to do it!
Question & Answer Session: Your chance to ask Charles about anything that’s been a source of confusion for you.
Book signing: Charles will be happy to autograph your books!
"Many of the so-called experts in strength and conditioning make the act of lifting progressively heavier objects out to seem as complicated as space travel. And then there’s Charles Staley.
Charles Staley is the quintessential teacher. He has a keen eye for what’s truly relevant to success in weight training as opposed to what’s just spit and polish. In hindsight, I wish I would’ve known of Charles Staley back when I picked up my first weight as a teenager. I swear he would’ve saved me a good five years worth of snail-paced progress."
Bryan Krahn
Excerpted from: SWIS: The Best for Last
An Overview of the 2005 Symposium
Contact Sandro Ciccarelli at: Sandro@olympian.it
Please contact Lee Hadden by phone (44 7769 712501) or by e-mail @ lhadden@btinternet.com
Charles Staley
Staley Training Systems