Staley/Cosgrove/Edwards Seminar October 18th!

Hey guys & gals, just a quick note to let you know that I, along with Alwyn Cosgrove, CSCS, and Olympian Jonathan Edwards, will be conduction a full-day bootcamp at my new Las Vegas facility on October 18th.

For more info, please go to:

and click the “seminars” link

Also 3 things:

  1. You shouldn’t actually pay for the seminar per se, just join the coaching group because then the seminar is free. Just follow the links and give us a call (800-519-2492)? we’ll explain.

  2. We can only take another 4-5 people last I heard, so you should try to move fast.

  3. There are rumors that T-mag will be in attendance in order to write an article on the event (!)


Charles Staley

It’ll be good to see another Staley article. Did he get to busy or big for T-Mag? Don’t see much from Chad Waterbury lately either. Never though Poliquin was good to start with.

i wish i could come!! i might see if i can miss a few days of school to come see this. i’d recommend going to anyone and everyone. jonathan has made me a significantly better athlete in only a few months. see ya charles!