Just to get to the point, I want to do 3/5/1 programming with the forever SST supplemental template for an anchor cycle coming up. For the main work would you do 3+/ 5 / 1+…or 3+/ 5+ / 1+ ?
Can’t remember if 3/5/1 programming with pr sets always drops the week 2 pr set, or if that’s only for specific supplemental templates.
In forever it states to use 5 Pro with it. But i guess if u insist on doing 351 with pr sets, it’s advised to do the middle week (5 week) with just the required reps.
it won’t kill you to do a PR set three weeks in a row, particularly if you’re not doing jokers and/or plan a deload your anchor and not testing your TM.
I would say do whatever you feel is appropriate on that day for that lift. If you really feel like going for a PR on press that week, it’s not going fuck you. Just trade it for jokers on another lift.