Do you guys prefer the 5’s Pro or original 5/3/1 PR sets for strength?
Both. Thats why there are leaders/anchors, periodizing etc.
Yeah, as Rattus said, you typically run:
Two cycles of 5’s PRO (increase weights after first cycle)
7th week protocol. Test TM’s or deload here.
One cycle of 531 with PRs (weights increased for this cycle as well).
Then, either repeat or find a different template. I prefer to do BBB templates with supersetted assistance for the leaders, and 5x5 FSL with supersetted assistance for the anchor.
I prefer og 531 and periodise the supplemental work. I just like the autoregulation side of doing the plus set having the opportunity to set a pr if its there otherwise its a few reps over and call it.
I’ve done both, prefer OG.
Running 5’s pro first time now. Just came off 6 months of OG.
I loved pushing for rep pr’s on OG, gave a solid target everyday. Now I am running 5’s pro with 5x5 fsl and really pushing assistance. Totally different challenge, and definitely more difficult in some respects.
Using them in the leader/anchor periodization is the way to go.