I was reading through the blog posts on your website and somewhere you give props to someone for squatting outside the powerrack. Why is that?
Does it have to do with safety? Or is it because we shouldn’t program too heavy and not go to failure on squats so never need the pins?
What’s your opinion on benching in the rack? Need the pins there?
Squatting outside the rack makes it “do or die”.
I always hated squatting inside power racks - for safety. Just learn to dump the bar. I’ve seen a couple of people throw the bar to the pins and smash their hands. I’ve HEARD of people losing fingers. And I can’t count the number of times bars have been ruined. The monolift, to me, is the best place to squat. It moves up and down very easy (for ease between different height squatters) and the hooks move in and out - great for any lifter. Of course, every fruitdick hates on monolifts but they seem to always forget you can still walk weights out of a mono.
Now I know people love the power rack and if it suits them, so be it. It’s none of my business. But since you asked me, these things have been my experience.
I can’t stand benching in racks either - a good dedicated bench press is always better. Nothing for your ass to fall into and you don’t have to dick around with your feet on the wheels, etc. If you are lifting alone, it’s probably better (obviously) - especially for someone that doesn’t understand their limits, etc. As a side note - nothing is worse in a weight room that bench press pads that are NOT 12" wide. It’s an accident waiting to happen and I can’t believe any company that manufacturers equipment would build anything that horrible. Do they not even test their stuff or even ask?
Again, you asked me my opinion and I realize there are different thoughts on this. Working for EFS all those years has somewhat skewed my perception but like anything in life: buy nice, don’t buy twice. Good quality equipment, even if it’s just a good set of squat stands, a well made, sturdy platform and quality bars/plates - go a long way. I’d rather have a few GREAT pieces than a lot of shitty ones.
This is well off-topic now…