I’ve been doing more and more squats and I usually leave with headache and for the next day or two feel notably more aggressive and sometimes, I get this kind of lock jaw feeling.
Today it is noticeable.
Now is the placebo affect? Or is my test really boosting, and if so, how much?
Do you all believe in the squats; legal steroids ‘myth.’ If so, has it been proved, can it be proved?
Believe me, I want it to be true, and it definetely feels true, especially how I’ve been squatting lately.
I think this is a reasonable question, I read a book called ‘Brawn.’ In the book the author frequently states this but never elaborates on how much it boosts or how much more it boosts than just doing pushups per say.
The appropriate answer this is that resistance exercise can raise test levels, not just squats. They may raise them alittle more because your legs are a big muscle. Doctors sometimes tell chaps with lower test to lift weights. Don’t expect to grow like a weed though. The levels aren’t gonna go up that much.
As others have said be careful as your increased squat work is the equivalent of 1 gram of test per week. You definitely need something to offset this high test. Try curls in the squat rack to counteract it.
yes doing squats increases your test production. so does working your back. i just got back to doing rack pulls for my main back builder and my natural test went from considerably high (i am 20 afterall) to rediculous, my sex drive is through the roof.
I would think deadlfits would have a similar effect. All lifting stimulates testosterone. Obviously the harder and more compound the lift, the more is stimulated.
I’ve often felt somewhat aggressive too the day after squats, especially if I go very low.
It’s a good thing all of this “noticeable” testosterone secretion has little to nothing to do directly with muscle growth and adaptation or else all of society would collapse under the weight of rage and aggression.
Heavy squats are known to put hair on your chest, cause your testicles to grow to the size of grapefruits, and add an average of 5" of length to your cock.