Hey guys!
Would appreciate if you have the time to check out my squat form! I would love to hear your thoughts!
Thank you!
Hey guys!
Would appreciate if you have the time to check out my squat form! I would love to hear your thoughts!
Thank you!
depth is there but your knees go out way past your toes, back is flat. how wide is your stance?
and could someone please tell me what BOI is?
[quote]HERC410 wrote:
depth is there but your knees go out way past your toes, back is flat. how wide is your stance?
and could someone please tell me what BOI is?
He there!
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I know, so you think I have to fix that? Is it bad for my knees?
My stance is pretty wide, at least should wide, I think a bit wider!
I have no idea what BOI is!
[quote]martin1106 wrote:
[quote]HERC410 wrote:
depth is there but your knees go out way past your toes, back is flat. how wide is your stance?
and could someone please tell me what BOI is?
He there!
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I know, so you think I have to fix that? Is it bad for my knees?
My stance is pretty wide, at least should wide, I think a bit wider!
I have no idea what BOI is!
There is nothing wrong with your forward knee travel.
[quote]HERC410 wrote:
and could someone please tell me what BOI is?
Not to hijack, but Brotherhood of Iron maybe?
i’m not going to hate on the form, looks pretty good, if you feel you need to change it up in the future, then do so. Ditch the trainers and get some chuck taylors
I rewatched your vid, you need to have your head backinto the bar more, this will keep you more up right
thanks parsley, didn’t see theis before, was looking at forums.
and i didn’t say there was anything wrong with the forward knee travel doubleduce. though it seems to indicate a less dominant posterior chain.
[quote]HERC410 wrote:
thanks parsley, didn’t see theis before, was looking at forums.
and i didn’t say there was anything wrong with the forward knee travel doubleduce. though it seems to indicate a less dominant posterior chain.[/quote]
I was answering his question more than reprimanding you.
And it depends on how you look at it. I think it shows stronger quads.
Hey guy!
The reason why I thought my knees are extending to far is because I’ve heart that it kills your hip drive and sitting back more would help me.
Thanks for your replies!
oh good, I love squat check vids!
Actually looks pretty good, nice depth, would pass in IPF. You do a lot of butt wiggling to get under the bar LOL. The one thing I noticed is you seem to be looking down coming out of the hole, that’s going to cause issues when you put some weight on the bar. So keep your head up and drive it back into the bar coming out of the hole (Brauny said that too). Don’t stress about your knees, if you are comfortable with this stance and your hips and knees aren’t bitching at you, you’re all good.
hey martin!
could you use at least part of a screename so we know who you’re talking to?
and that depends i suppose. sitting back would likely help you. but dianab is right, if your knees and hips aren’t bugging you, you’re good.
[quote]HERC410 wrote:
hey martin!
could you use at least part of a screename so we know who you’re talking to?
and that depends i suppose. sitting back would likely help you. but dianab is right, if your knees and hips aren’t bugging you, you’re good.[/quote]
wanted to write “hey guys”, not adressing my question to a specific person - but I get your point!
I think I will take another vid tomorrow - focusing on sitting back! will keep you updated!
as far thanks for the great feedback to all of you!
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
[quote]HERC410 wrote:
thanks parsley, didn’t see theis before, was looking at forums.
and i didn’t say there was anything wrong with the forward knee travel doubleduce. though it seems to indicate a less dominant posterior chain.[/quote]
I was answering his question more than reprimanding you.
And it depends on how you look at it. I think it shows stronger quads.[/quote]
It does show stronger quads as the forward knee travel slacks the hamstrings a bit and the quads have to make up for it.
IMO, a lot of this has to deal with how you learned to squat and without a coach or somebody telling you to do it otherwise, most people end up squatting like this.
Rippetoe has a method for discouraging it called TUBOW, or terribly useful block of wood, where you set up the wood a bit in front of your toes and attempt to squat without the knees coming forward and knocking it over.
I would experiment with trying to limit the forward knee travel and see where you are stronger. It may take a couple sessions to get used to it.
[quote]theuofh wrote:
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
[quote]HERC410 wrote:
thanks parsley, didn’t see theis before, was looking at forums.
and i didn’t say there was anything wrong with the forward knee travel doubleduce. though it seems to indicate a less dominant posterior chain.[/quote]
I was answering his question more than reprimanding you.
And it depends on how you look at it. I think it shows stronger quads.[/quote]
It does show stronger quads as the forward knee travel slacks the hamstrings a bit and the quads have to make up for it.
IMO, a lot of this has to deal with how you learned to squat and without a coach or somebody telling you to do it otherwise, most people end up squatting like this.
Rippetoe has a method for discouraging it called TUBOW, or terribly useful block of wood, where you set up the wood a bit in front of your toes and attempt to squat without the knees coming forward and knocking it over.
I would experiment with trying to limit the forward knee travel and see where you are stronger. It may take a couple sessions to get used to it.
thanks theuofh! have seen this in starting strength and tried to reduce my knee travel yesterday squatting! will put up the vid soon!
[quote]dianab wrote:
oh good, I love squat check vids!
Actually looks pretty good, nice depth, would pass in IPF. You do a lot of butt wiggling to get under the bar LOL. The one thing I noticed is you seem to be looking down coming out of the hole, that’s going to cause issues when you put some weight on the bar. So keep your head up and drive it back into the bar coming out of the hole (Brauny said that too). Don’t stress about your knees, if you are comfortable with this stance and your hips and knees aren’t bitching at you, you’re all good.[/quote]
Whenever I see someone squatting 5 reps looking straight down, I know they’re following some Rippetoe idiocy, er, I mean teaching. Inevitably, when the weight gets heavy, they look like they’re trying to do a half-assed goodmorning.
No, I haven’t read the holy grail, Starting Strength.
[quote]johnnytang24 wrote:
[quote]dianab wrote:
oh good, I love squat check vids!
Actually looks pretty good, nice depth, would pass in IPF. You do a lot of butt wiggling to get under the bar LOL. The one thing I noticed is you seem to be looking down coming out of the hole, that’s going to cause issues when you put some weight on the bar. So keep your head up and drive it back into the bar coming out of the hole (Brauny said that too). Don’t stress about your knees, if you are comfortable with this stance and your hips and knees aren’t bitching at you, you’re all good.[/quote]
Whenever I see someone squatting 5 reps looking straight down, I know they’re following some Rippetoe idiocy, er, I mean teaching. Inevitably, when the weight gets heavy, they look like they’re trying to do a half-assed goodmorning.
No, I haven’t read the holy grail, Starting Strength.[/quote]
no need to hate on a guy that has help as much people with lifting, only because you don’t agree with one technical detail teached by him!
This is the squat vid I took yesterday! Really focused on sitting back rather then down!
I think my knees aren’t travelling that much forward as in the last vid! Also kept my head more upright and back!
Any thoughts?
[quote]martin1106 wrote:
This is the squat vid I took yesterday! Really focused on sitting back rather then down!
I think my knees aren’t travelling that much forward as in the last vid! Also kept my head more upright and back!
Any thoughts?
hear’s the video
much better i’d say.