Hey everybody - I’m looking for feedback on my squat. I use a pretty narrow stance (about shoulder width, probably slightly wider). I’ve never really had much difficulty going deep on my squats, but I do have flexibility problems with my hip flexors and hamstrings, as well as pretty weak/inactive glutes.
Because of that, I’m concerned that my lower back may be rounding a little at the bottom of the lift. There’s only the first few reps of a 12-rep set because my phone only takes 15 seconds of video.
Any feedback on form is much appreciated. And go easy on me for the light weight!
Bar position is a little high on the neck. If you open the stance up a bit and stretch your hip flexors, you’ll have an easier time with going deeper. Overall pretty good.
Id be curious what weight do you work with? You are not rounding until the very bottom, but you do have the look of hips that are tucked under tilting the pelvis posteriorly more than it should be. You are in need of quite a bit of hamstring and hip flexor stretching, everyday, done hard.
Your knees are sliding forward at the bottom. This means you’re relaxing your hamstrings and glutes, and it cripples your drive out of the hole. Try pointing your toes out more, staying on your heels, and getting your knees out as far as you can in your descent.
Thanks for the feedback guys. As far as weight, this is just 135 pounds for 12 reps. The weight itself doesn’t feel very difficult for me, but my form tends to break down at higher reps (my knees bow in, weight shifts a little more to the toes than I’d like, etc.) As far as heavier weight, I’ve never maxed out, but could probably get 185 for 4-5 reps right now.
I definitely need work on my hip flexors and hamstrings. They tend to be very tight. I’m foam rolling on a daily basis right now, which has helped with the hip flexors quite a bit. I’m also planning on getting Magnificent Mobility as well. My hamstrings have always been pretty tight.
I’ve also been trying to get my stance a little wider. One of the problems I’m having is as sets progress, my knees bow in. My hip abductors are pretty weak, and I’ve been trying to address that as well through band walks, etc.