I have a 2-day training routine for in-season. How should I split them up. I play games on fridays, so should i lift sunday and tuesday? also, how hard should i go? about 75-80 percent? (its easier if you guys say what percent because i have a sheet that says percentages…)
I think sunday and tuesday sounds perfect. I don’t know what exactly you mean by percent, I’m assuming a percent of 1RM. Since the routine you are following is only three exercises per workout and three sets per exercise, I think you should definitely still train hard. Since the volume is low, you won’t have to worry about overtraining so much and you wouldn’t get much out of it if you took it easy with such low volume. So percentage wise, go 95-100% meaning use your 6RM or just slightly under for a set of 6.
For the most part I agree with k1t0r5. Too much weight will fatigue your CNS. Too high of a volume will take away from your practice and performance.
I’ve heard that the new Westside for Skinny Bastards part 3 has in-season as well as off-season training templates. That might be worth checking out when it comes out.
And what sport are you playing? That might change the design of your program.