Splitting up grey skull workouts

Today (Tuesday) is my deadlift day in greyskull along with bench and barbell row.
It’s probably a silly question but my lower back feels a bit sore today, I think from work yesterday (Monday). If I just do the bench and row today and do the deadlift tomorrow (Wednesday) instead will that effect anything badly? I won’t be lifting again until Friday so I’ll have Thursday to rest before overhead press and squat etc

It’s one day of training. In 10 years, the impact of this decision will be insignificant. Either choice is fine.


Figured out what cause the back pain, back technique on the low bar squat. Wasn’t bracing properly and my hips were raising a little before my chest. Couple that with being tired after work and I tweaked my back. Still hurts a little but I had next to no pain when I squatted on Friday after bracing and making sure my chest went up at the same time as my hips

Greyskull LP doesn’t have barbell rows. The author recommends in his book alternating weighted pull ups and curls in one of his templates. That may be why you have low back pain.