I was wondering if someone train in a split of upper one part aday then lower later in the day would help to get cut and still keep mass if Someone lifts relatively heavy?
I have recently have doing various types of splits trying to get cut and burn fat while I still keep as much muscle mass as possible. How long could I go doing a full body workout everyday without over training?
I always have atleast one compound lift everyday like C&J, bench press, squats.
My friend, one component of building a lean muscular physique is rest. If you are training everyday, then you are not allowing your body the rest it needs to recover.
What is your background like? How long you been training?
We will need more info to give you any more advice.
I was the rookie of the year/varsity in Track and XC. I always been working out with weights. But I had to stop runinning due to a hurt knee 2 years ago. I do sprints sometimes. I’ve been getting serious about lifting last year though.
I went from 130ish to 170 with a clean diet and hard trainning. Most of it is upper body too. Since I wanst really suppose to train my lower body that much due to my knee so my workouts in the past consisted of alot of upper body exercies.
The only lower body trainning i have done was Clean and Jerks, until now. I’ve started training my Lower body last week…pretty sore tho. Im used to working out everyday on the weekdays because of my high weight lifting class. But I feel now 50mins to workout isnt enough. So for the past week, ive been training at school and at home.
Im already impress on how much muscle i’ve put on. People that havent seen me since my freshmen year always say how much wider my shoulders are, how much bigger my chest and arms are too. I havent been using creatine or protien supps since 4months ago and still have been getting bigger.
However, since watching the Movie 300, Ive became inspired to loose all the fat from my body. And Ive been hearing that working out the body as a whole is better for losing the fat while keeping muscle. Ive been trying to eat 4-6 small meals a day to keep my metabilism up also.
About what BF% would someone that is 5’9 to look cut? According to my scale im around 11-12% range.
[quote]Lecher08 wrote:
I was wondering if someone train in a split of upper one part aday then lower later in the day would help to get cut and still keep mass if Someone lifts relatively heavy?
I have recently have doing various types of splits trying to get cut and burn fat while I still keep as much muscle mass as possible. How long could I go doing a full body workout everyday without over training?
I always have atleast one compound lift everyday like C&J, bench press, squats.[/quote]
Stop worrying about overtraining. When it happens you can back down. The fact that you’re even considering twice a day, every day, leads me to doubt you’re doing anything intense enough to have to worry about overtraining.
Lift to preserve your muscle, diet to lean down, to paraphrase CT. \
You need to pick one goal and stick with it though, man. Congratulations on gaining the weight, but I can tell you that you can get bigger without a ton of fat gain; however, you have to expect to ‘lose your abs’ for just a little while.
Stop worrying about overtraining. When it happens you can back down. The fact that you’re even considering twice a day, every day, leads me to doubt you’re doing anything intense enough to have to worry about overtraining.
Lift to preserve your muscle, diet to lean down, to paraphrase CT. \