Some Questions on My First Cycle

What’s up everyone. I’m 20 years old, 6’3’’ 230 lbs and living in Memphis, TN right now working as an EMT for the MFD. I’ve been serious about fitness and weightlifting for six years(playing football, rugby, wrestling, basketball, and MMA in High school.)

The problem is, as conditioned as I was, even at my peak shape I was around 15-17% bf and could never lose anymore even with good nutrition. I’ve never been one to blame genetics, but I come from a big ass family of Italians where almost everybody is overweight and has health problems. I finally took the leap and just started my first cycle today!

I’m gonna be running Test C at 500mg/wk for 10 weeks with an AI on hand in case of gyno, than doin my PCT with Nolva for four weeks. Where It gets a little muddy is the fact that I’m using my first cycle to build(maybe a little, at least maintain) lbm while cutting down from 16% to roughly 8-10% by adding clen in at week 6 and will run it for 6 weeks with Benadryl. (so it’ll rap up half way through my PCT.)

And I know, I can already here all the vets on here moaning about starting too early, but I’ve done my research and this stack is about as basic as stacks get, I know all the warning signs to look for, and am getting regular blood work done and will PCT off the test early if anything raises any flags. Plus This is really just a trial run to see if I can finally get my bf down to single digits for the first time ever.

ANYWAY the point of this post was to ask about training. My plan is, the first four weeks is going to look like this:
Day 1: Chest Heavy
Day 2: Legs heavy
Day 3: Back heavy
Day 4: off
Day 5: HITT cardio(sprints, burpees, bear crawls, etc.)
Day 6: HITT weights(full body barbell complexes)
Day 7: off

the idea behind it, is the first three days i’ll up the cals a little bit (but still right around or under maintenance) and half the week will be a little more “anabolic” to be able to get full strength/size effect of the test. Then the next four days will be lower calories and will have four straight days of fat burning

The next six weeks on Clen I’ll switch it up to keep the progress coming and will be something like this
Day 1: Chest Heavy
Day 2:HITT Cardio
Day 3:Legs Heavy
Day 4: HITT weights
day 5: Back heavy
day 6: steady state cardio(light)
day 7: off

This will keep the same heavy lift sessions for muscle mass, but the cardio and fat burning will be more constant to take full advantage of the Clen.

as far as other supplements go, I’m have the staples(Protein powder, Creatine: not the shit ass monohydrate kind, a good multi, fish oil) will be getting taurine and potassium for the clen and am taking the GNC pwo “beyond Raw: Ravage.” For as much hate as GNC gets, it’s a months worth of some of the best pwo i’ve ever tried for $40.

But in addition to all the energy and pump ingredients it also has some natural test boosters in it(yohimbe root, boron, shit like that) Can I still take this on cycle or should i save it for a little extra PCT help?

plus, the only reason I’m still an EMT and not a full paramedic is that I have to get my IV certification to qualify, so I guess learnin to stick myself before I start stickin others isn’t necessarily a bad thing

I’ll be sure to put up progress pics.
So, how was my first post? Quesions, comments? Thanks in advance for the feedback!

A few things, in no particular order:
Creatine monohydrate is not shit. Micronized creatine monohydrate is pretty much the gold standard in terms of types of creatine, all other creatine products are questionable, aside from maybe creatine malate.

Test boosters are completely worthless while on cycle. They will do nothing for you, as your natural test production will be shut down until PCT. If you’ve done as much research as you think you have, you would know this already. Of course you CAN take it while on cycle, you simply won’t see any benefits.

Nobody cares about your job.

You don’t seem to know how to train properly. The ‘half the week will be more anabolic’ thought is garbage. Doesn’t work that way.

The vets on these boards usually don’t moan and groan about starting early. They will flame you though, because you don’t even look like you workout.

Your diet is not as good as you think it is.

I’m not going to try to convince you not to run this cycle. It’s a low dose, for a short duration, and you should be fine. Maybe you’ll learn something from it. I would, however, suggest dropping the Clen, and start eating better. You’re not going to be able to get the most out of the cycle otherwise. Be honest with yourself in terms of diet. I can’t stress this enough.

I would also run the AI throughout. Just because you don’t see gyno doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be managing your estrogen. What AI do you have?

I would train more than three times a week, if I were you.

Drop the clen, clean up your diet.

Other than that, looks ok I suppose.

Don’t know why I even posted there; Flip already nailed it…

[quote]Yogi wrote:
Don’t know why I even posted there; Flip already nailed it…[/quote]

I’m trying to earn the title of ‘best natty poster in the steroids forum’

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:
Don’t know why I even posted there; Flip already nailed it…[/quote]

I’m trying to earn the title of ‘best natty poster in the steroids forum’[/quote]

Haha, I think you’ve earned that title and then some, but we both know it won’t be long until you’re an assisted poster…

Clean up your diet and training and you will be fine, you dont need AAS. Cardio every morning, wake up take your BCAAS and get sweaty, get a solid gym routine going not this “More anabolic for half the week” gibberish.

  1. Starting at 20 is young yes and dumb but hey I did it. Starting at 20 because you suck at dieting and programming and cant get lower than 15% BF is bull shit and quite pathetic and hey I didn’t do that.

  2. Your diet sucks period.

  3. Your training probably worse.

  4. You don’t even look like you train. You seriously don’t even almost look like you train man. You need to look at your self and be honest here. If your wanna start the drugs what ever. But, you don’t know half what you think you do.

  5. You don’t even look like you train.

  1. the “anabolic half the week thinking” I took directly off this site(can’t remember if forums or article), if it doesn’t work i’ll switch it up, but I’m an “i’ll try anything once” kinda guy

  2. I don’t understand all the hate about not training? my stats aren’t bad, they’re nothing extraordinary, but not bad.
    Squat: 400
    Bench: 280
    Dead Lift: 425
    2 mile run: roughly 15:30

  3. I’m aware the test boosters won’t have any benefits, I was just makin sure it would have any negative effects.

  4. I didn’t even post my diet? While cutting I’m getting around 200 g of protein a day, 50-100 carbs a day depending on if i’mt raining or not, and fats are 70-80 g. I have cut soda and sweets completely out of my diet and have cut dairy and bread pretty good while on cut. So what else can I do to my diet?

  5. My AI is arimidex

  6. I only gave city and profession because this was my first post on T-Nation and I was just givin a little back ground…

I appreciate the feedback, but there seems to be waaaaaay too much pretentiousness and hate floating around these forums. Think I’ll stick to Anabolicsteroidsforums from now on

Also, monohydrate is literally nothing to but water weight that goes away when you stop taking it. How is it better than HCL or Ethyl Ester?

[quote]Blinded_Prophet wrote:
Also, monohydrate is literally nothing to but water weight that goes away when you stop taking it. How is it better than HCL or Ethyl Ester?[/quote]

If you honestly think that all creatine monohydrate does is add water weight, then you are sorely mistaken.

Also, I am pretty sure those numbers you posted there are lies.

[quote]Blinded_Prophet wrote:

  1. the “anabolic half the week thinking” I took directly off this site(can’t remember if forums or article), if it doesn’t work i’ll switch it up, but I’m an “i’ll try anything once” kinda guy

  2. I don’t understand all the hate about not training? my stats aren’t bad, they’re nothing extraordinary, but not bad.
    Squat: 400
    Bench: 280
    Dead Lift: 425
    2 mile run: roughly 15:30

  3. I’m aware the test boosters won’t have any benefits, I was just makin sure it would have any negative effects.

  4. I didn’t even post my diet? While cutting I’m getting around 200 g of protein a day, 50-100 carbs a day depending on if i’mt raining or not, and fats are 70-80 g. I have cut soda and sweets completely out of my diet and have cut dairy and bread pretty good while on cut. So what else can I do to my diet?

  5. My AI is arimidex

  6. I only gave city and profession because this was my first post on T-Nation and I was just givin a little back ground…

I appreciate the feedback, but there seems to be waaaaaay too much pretentiousness and hate floating around these forums. Think I’ll stick to Anabolicsteroidsforums from now on[/quote]

good, get the fuck out of here then, no one gives a shit if you’re too much of a pussy to hear the truth. Judging by your avi pic, those numbers you gave i would say are definitely inflated. Post up some vids and shut me up.

  1. Then who ever gave that on this site is also a idiot. How about trying to listen and take advice for once.
  2. Without video I dont believe any of those numbers for you.
  3. If your aware of this then why would your dumbass spend the money on using them… lots of logic there.
  4. You didnt need to post your diet for me to know it suck look at your fucking photo man that says more than anything you have posted.
  5. And?
  6. No one gives a fuck. Your job and location has very little to do with how effective your cycle would be.

Thank god I wish we could run the other ignorant ass holes who cant handle hearing the truth in under 6 posts. Would make life around here much smoother. Oh and by the way I am a member of that board as well and ill gladly tell you your an idiot on that forum just as fast.

Nope, not lies. I’ll post the vids whenever I put the progress pics up. And it’s not that I can’t hear the truth. I’m all for advice, thats why i came here. but when 9/10 replies to my post are people trying to prove they have the biggest dick on the boards, kinda lame.

Fuck this looks like the assisted version of “i just want to tone”.

  1. If your aware of this then why would your dumbass spend the money on using them… lots of logic there.

Ravage isn’t a test booster. Ravage has been my pwo for months. It just happens to have some test boosters in it. My question was simply if test boosters while on cycle would have any negative sides

No one is trying to prove anything here. We already know who we are and have documented what we can do here and have done. We told you that you dont need gear because you have made piss poor progress as of now. You cant even get below 15-17% body fat naturally thats a fucking joke man. Also I love how out of all I and ELS pointed out the only thing you can even try to defend is your Post Workout. Also, if you had done your research which you obviously haven’t then you would not need to ask that question.

whatever dude, don’t get your jock in a twist. Like I already said, I’ll post the vids and pics

You sure do talk about cocks and jocks alot. Who cares you aleady posted pic and obviously no one was impressed. So why not just go on to the other boards so we dont have to continue with your self.

You obviously dont want help or advice you just want some people to tell you how good you are doing and to give you some false what ever. It wont happen here. Learn to eat and train and then come back with a better thought out plan and maybe we will have a different tune.