Hi, I’m 19, 5’6", 130 lbs, and as of about a month ago, I decided it was time to get into shape. I’ve been skinny my whole life, with a very fast metabolism. I could eat anything all the time and not gain anything. I worked out a couple years ago for a few months, pretty consistently, but it didn’t last.
Right now, I’ve set a generalized goal for myself. I hope to have the same type of body that, for example, Brad Pitt has in Fight Club. I hope I don’t get flamed for that, but I just would prefer that chisled/toned type body over being bulky. For the past month I’ve revamped my diet entirely. Here’s my day now:
Wake up at 8AM, eat breakfast. Breakfast consists of:
- 1/2 cup of egg whites
- 1 cup of McCann’s Steel Cut oatmeal, with some applesauce and cinnamon in it.
After I eat, I take a dose of Creatine (3 pills), a dose of Nitric Oxide (3 pills), a dose of L-glutamine (2 capsules), and a dose of CLA (3 capsules). The nitric oxide was a sole recommendation of a GNC employee. Prior, I had no knowledge of such product. After I take my supplements, I let my food digest then I work out.
My workouts are one muscle group a day. So let’s say it’s Monday. I just do chest. If it’s Tuesday, I do back. I read that Pitt actually used that workout and some other celebrities who got into similar shape. I was doing abs every day but I heard it’s good to take a day of rest, so I now do abs every other day.
My ab workouts are rigorous and usually last about an hour. My general workouts last about an hour as well and unfortunately I have to make due with what I have at home, which is some dumbells and exercise ball. But I definitely work out very hard and can barely move when I’m done.
After I workout, I make a protein shake which consists of 26 g of Body Fortress 100% Whey protein (1 scoop). I take another serving of creatine (3 pills) and another serving of l-glutamine (2 capsules). I also eat 2 tablets of Dex 4 glucose tablets which is 2 servings (8 carbs)
. The Body Fortress whey has 2g of fat, 1 saturated, 50mg cholesterol, 2g carbs, 2g sugars, 123mg calcium, 84mg phosphorus, 15mg magnesium, 40mg sodium, and 133mg potassium per scoop (1 serving). At the bottom, it says it also has 9g of Super Recovery Blend which seems to consist of Creatine Monohydrate, Taurine, L-Glutamine, Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. It says 2 scoops are optional (for athletes and bodybuilders), but I’ve always taken one.
I mix it with water and eat half a bannana, along with those 2 tablets of Dex 4 that I saw at Costco and grabbed when I heard dextrose and maltodextrin are good for you post workout, and these have both apparently, along with 4g carbs, 4g sugars, some Vitamin C, and that’s it.
After that, I usually eat my next meal 1-2 hours later which usually ends up being my lunch.
- 6 oz of skinless, boneless grilled chicken, dry.
- Some vegetables like broccoli, mushrooms, asparagus, or just some dry lettuce.
- 1/2 cup of brown rice
I snack a couple hours later, every day for the past 2 weeks it has been a piece of whole wheat Flax bread toasted with a little less than a tablespoon of Jif’s peanut butter.
Next, maybe an apple, or serving of shrimp, or more chicken, to hold me over for dinner.
Dinner is in between 5-6PM.
- 6 oz of skinless, boneless grilled chicken
- Veggies again, or a dry salad.
I try to avoid any carbs at dinner since it’s night time.
I try not to eat at all after that, but I never go to bed hungry because I heard that’s bad. If I get hungry I usually eat some more chicken or shrimp to avoid carbs, or sometimes I’ll eat an apple and peanut butter if I give into carbs. I add my protein consumption every day and I go for 130 g. I don’t add up my fat, carbs, or anything else.
Now, I’ll get into more specifically, what I’m after and my questions and concerns.
I’ve always had a little pouch under my belly button, but like I said before, I’m a naturally skinny guy with barely any muscle on my arms. My legs are built pretty well and my upper abs have always stood out, but I always had a pouch below them. Ultimately, I want to rid of the pouch. This is where I need my most help.
Am I eating enough to build muscle? More than 130g of protein? Less carbs? Less fat? I’m just concerned if I eat too much I’ll gain, but not obtain the six pack I want.
Am I taking the proper supplements? Should I switch to creatine powder or will it make me fat and bloated and ultimately take away from my goal of getting lean and toned instead of big and bulky? Do I need nitric oxide? Should I buy dextrose powder to mix with my whey? Is this brand of Whey good?
Am I getting enough healthy fats? I eat no more than 2 tablespoons of peanut butter a day and usually have some cooking oil in my food from when it’s cooked. Other than that, I don’t think I get any other fat besides in my meat and protein drink.
Is this one muscle a day workout adequate? Should I do cardio on Fridays or Saturdays when I’m on rest from my workout till Monday? Will cardio make me too skinny and diminish muscle growth? If I start eating more, will starting cardio be the perfect way to get rid of the extra body fat?
In conclusion, I just want to gain some NOTICEABLE muscle for once, and have a ripped stomach. The best way I can put it is Brad Pitt’s physique in Fight Club, or Snatch even. I haven’t really noticed any changes except my abs are getting more ripped and I can start to see my 3rd set of abs below my belly button. I forgot to mention I smoke cigarettes, on average 5 a day. I know I asked a lot of shit, but I’m pretty confused right now. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.