Have Some Money/Need Supplement Advice

So far I’ve been just talking whey protein when i wake up and after my work outs. But now that I have some more money to spend, I would like to ask you all for some advice.

I’ve been reading wonderful things about Surge Recovery, Metabolic Drive, Flameout and Surge Workout Fuel.

So my plan is to do the following:

-Buy Metabolic Drive for protein drink when I wake up.
-Buy Flameout to replace my fish oil.
-Buy Workout Fuel to drink before work outs.
-Buy Surge recovery for after my work out.

I have no problem buying Metabolic Drive as my new whey protein and buying Surge recovery for after work out since that was my regular routine anyways, but I’m wondering if buying Flameout and workout fuel is worth it?

I read the back of Flameout and it tells you to eat 4 capsule in one day. Since there is 90 capsule in the bottle that means if i took it every day, i would use it all in 23 days! Where as my regular fish oil i buy from costco would last me 5 times longer. Is Flameout worth the extra $25 a month?

Also I have a question about workout fuel. When i was reading the description on the store website it had a quote in it.

“On the other hand, if you’re not into hard training, don’t bother buying the stuff! Workout Fuel is overkill for those who aren’t serious about training.”

Now I work out three, maybe four times a week. When I work out I train pretty hard, but nothing hardcore. I was interested in this product since I would like some boost in my training especially after I have been sitting at a desk working for the past 8 hours before my workout.

What do you guys think? Do you guys think this is a good starting point from my upgrade from whey protein? And what do you think about Flameout and workout fuel?

Appreciate the advice!

One more thing, what do you guys think about creatine? Thanks!

Sounds good to me, No matter how the thin the $$$ gets I gots to have my Flameout!

You could always do 2 caps Flameout and add costco fish oil…then your 90 caps would last 45 days…Looks like a good routine.

Creatine, generally = good. Do a search, here, or on google, there is tonnes of info out there on creatine.

[quote]djsk wrote:

I read the back of Flameout and it tells you to eat 4 capsule in one day. [/quote]

haha this made me lol for some reason. Imagining somebody chew their fish oil caps down.

Don’t know if your overlooking the EPA/DHA content in Flameout compared to store brought stuff. 4 flameouts are generally equal to around 16 or so normal fish oil caps. Plus Flameout also contains another ingredient (ALA or something) that is not found in normal fish oil. Its a pretty good product but I haven’t noticed anything different since I went off it and started taking ~20 standard fish oil caps a day.

And if your not taking creatine I’d probably get that over Surge. Or Metabolic Drive. Surge > Metabolic Drive.

I switched out ALL my supplements at the beginning of the year (3 weeks ago, duh)for Biotest products and don’t regret it one bit. I was taking 20 products where Biotest replaces them with 5. Quality rules in the supplement game. Your costco fish oil does not have the ratio of epa/dha and cla that Flameout has and that’s what matters with fish oil. go with Flameout.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

I guess Flameout it is. I will probably take 2 pills instead of all 4 but I guess 2 is better than none.

I have been researching creatine, and I see the huge benefits it can have, but I just don’t know about it enough to try it out. I might hold off on it for now but will definitely research it more.

So, what do you guys think about Workout Fuel? I normally eat salad and an apple before my work outs, but sometimes I get the workout headaches and have low energy. Would Workout Fuel help that? Or is Workout Fuel more for the “hardcore” lifters?

And I decided in order to save money I will buy Grow! as my whey protein instead of Metabolic Drive. Or is Metabolic Drive worth the extra money?

So now it will be…
-Grow! in the morning for protein boost (Or should i get Metabolic Drive?).
-Flameout (2 pills a day)
-Surge for after workouts.


[quote]Viets wrote:
I switched out ALL my supplements at the beginning of the year (3 weeks ago, duh)for Biotest products and don’t regret it one bit. I was taking 20 products where Biotest replaces them with 5. [/quote]

Which 5 products did you end up getting?

Metabolic Drive is way worth the money as it contains casein which is a slower release protein you will want over time as the Surge will take care of your immediate needs during and after your workout and get the creatine. It’s cheap and it’ll help that’s all you need to know.

[quote]djsk wrote:
Thanks for the advice everyone.

I guess Flameout it is. I will probably take 2 pills instead of all 4 but I guess 2 is better than none.

I have been researching creatine, and I see the huge benefits it can have, but I just don’t know about it enough to try it out. I might hold off on it for now but will definitely research it more.

So, what do you guys think about Workout Fuel? I normally eat salad and an apple before my work outs, but sometimes I get the workout headaches and have low energy. Would Workout Fuel help that? Or is Workout Fuel more for the “hardcore” lifters?

And I decided in order to save money I will buy Grow! as my whey protein instead of Metabolic Drive. Or is Metabolic Drive worth the extra money?

So now it will be…
-Grow! in the morning for protein boost (Or should i get Metabolic Drive?).
-Flameout (2 pills a day)
-Surge for after workouts.


Viets wrote:
I switched out ALL my supplements at the beginning of the year (3 weeks ago, duh)for Biotest products and don’t regret it one bit. I was taking 20 products where Biotest replaces them with 5.

Which 5 products did you end up getting?

Flameout and Superfood are staples (Superfood especially if you don’t get several servings of fruits/vegetables daily). Surge Recovery & Surge Workout Fuel are now staples in my program as well. L-Leucine I add to my four whole food meals (in between my morning whey shake and bed time casein shake). Receptormax for insulin sensitivity (my remaining body fat is abdominal and this helps fight that).

I still use Optimum Nutrition Whey & Casein because I had so much left. I bought Biotest’s creatine, but any generic micronized creatine will do. Now we’re up to 7, ha ha. Oh, and I bought Biotest’s ZMA, again, another product you can go generic on, but I love to support T-Nation.

So eight of their products, but six that I consider “no substitute for”; those being Flameout, Superfood, L-Leucine, Surge Recovery, Surge Workout Fuel & Receptormax. The Creatine and ZMA you can get from anybody, as well as the whey and casein. But when I run out, I will order Biotest with them all as well. Also currently trying to use up my generic beta alanine, BCAA’s and thermogenic, then make the switch to Biotest.

Just for information’s sake, my program is based around what you’ll hear guys call a “cut” or a “leaning out” phase. Trying to preserve my lean muscle and drop body fat. All these products play a role in my program but I could most certainley do without them. I have the money so I choose not to. They won’t do squat unless the diet and training is in order first. That’s the best advice I’ve gotten from this site. I had to learn that the hard way, before a site like T-Nation was within my grasp. 3 years of experimentation led me here.

I probably overdid the reply, but I wanted to help the best I could. Pay it forward…

[quote]Viets wrote:

Flameout and Superfood are staples (Superfood especially if you don’t get several servings of fruits/vegetables daily). Surge Recovery & Surge Workout Fuel are now staples in my program as well. L-Leucine I add to my four whole food meals (in between my morning whey shake and bed time casein shake). Receptormax for insulin sensitivity (my remaining body fat is abdominal and this helps fight that).

I still use Optimum Nutrition Whey & Casein because I had so much left. I bought Biotest’s creatine, but any generic micronized creatine will do. Now we’re up to 7, ha ha. Oh, and I bought Biotest’s ZMA, again, another product you can go generic on, but I love to support T-Nation.

So eight of their products, but six that I consider “no substitute for”; those being Flameout, Superfood, L-Leucine, Surge Recovery, Surge Workout Fuel & Receptormax. The Creatine and ZMA you can get from anybody, as well as the whey and casein. But when I run out, I will order Biotest with them all as well. Also currently trying to use up my generic beta alanine, BCAA’s and thermogenic, then make the switch to Biotest.

Just for information’s sake, my program is based around what you’ll hear guys call a “cut” or a “leaning out” phase. Trying to preserve my lean muscle and drop body fat. All these products play a role in my program but I could most certainley do without them. I have the money so I choose not to. They won’t do squat unless the diet and training is in order first. That’s the best advice I’ve gotten from this site. I had to learn that the hard way, before a site like T-Nation was within my grasp. 3 years of experimentation led me here.

I probably overdid the reply, but I wanted to help the best I could. Pay it forward…[/quote]

Appreciate your input Viets. Longer the explanation the better for me.

I guess I have the same goal as you to get “cut” or “leaning out” However, unlike you, I can’t afford all those products. If you were to choose 3-4 which ones would you pick? Right now I’m leaning towards Metabolic Drive, Flameout, Surge Recovery, and possibly the creatine. I don’t need Superfood since I already get lots of fruit and veggies. And I’m kind of leaning away from Surge Workout Fuel since it’s expensive and since I guess I dont lift hardcore. Also please keep in mind that I used to be just a whey protein only guy before. I just want a good starting point of products that can help maximize my gains and goals.

[quote]djsk wrote:
Thanks for the advice everyone.

I guess Flameout it is. I will probably take 2 pills instead of all 4 but I guess 2 is better than none.

I have been researching creatine, and I see the huge benefits it can have, but I just don’t know about it enough to try it out. I might hold off on it for now but will definitely research it more.

Why complicate things so much? Creatine is the most recommended supplement by most of the top coaches. Its cheaps and last ages, and generally gives great results. It has some of the biggest bang for its buck over any other supplement. When budget is a concern this is what matters.

Metabolic Drive is good but imo it is not cost effective. You can easily go through a tub in a week. $120+ for one supplement for a month? Where 500g creatine for $30 can last 2-3months. You don’t even need this stuff, just buy food.

Surge Workout Fuel has just come out…people were building muscle long before its release.

When your on a budget you need to consider what it neccessary and what is luxury. All I take is whey atm because that’s all I can afford. Grow! Whey is good value.

Surge Recovery is great but combining P + C after a workout is easy.

What’s important is that you get what works for you. Listening to somebody taking 7+ supplements who has completly different goals doesn’t mean its best for you. To decide if a supplement is any good for your body, introduce them one at a time and give it a few weeks to see how it goes.

[quote]hardgnr wrote:
What’s important is that you get what works for you. Listening to somebody taking 7+ supplements who has completly different goals doesn’t mean its best for you. To decide if a supplement is any good for your body, introduce them one at a time and give it a few weeks to see how it goes.[/quote]

Some of the best advice I’ve seen posted in awhile.

Supps isn’t a cut and dry topic with protocol like “take only 1-2 as a beginner, 3-4 as intermediate, and never more than 8” or w/e else you wanna say. If something is working for you, even if only mentally, keep using it. If a highly-touted product isn’t doing shit for you, stop.

[quote]hardgnr wrote:

Why complicate things so much? Creatine is the most recommended supplement by most of the top coaches. Its cheaps and last ages, and generally gives great results. It has some of the biggest bang for its buck over any other supplement. When budget is a concern this is what matters.

Metabolic Drive is good but imo it is not cost effective. You can easily go through a tub in a week. $120+ for one supplement for a month? Where 500g creatine for $30 can last 2-3months. You don’t even need this stuff, just buy food.

Surge Workout Fuel has just come out…people were building muscle long before its release.

When your on a budget you need to consider what it neccessary and what is luxury. All I take is whey atm because that’s all I can afford. Grow! Whey is good value.

Surge Recovery is great but combining P + C after a workout is easy.

What’s important is that you get what works for you. Listening to somebody taking 7+ supplements who has completly different goals doesn’t mean its best for you. To decide if a supplement is any good for your body, introduce them one at a time and give it a few weeks to see how it goes.[/quote]

Thanks for your short yet very easy to understand and knowledgeable input hardgnr.

Your response pretty much answered all of my questions. I know that everyone has different goals, but I posted to get an idea of where to start. I spent last night researching the crap out of creatine. And as you say it makes perfect sense to use it as it’s cheap and the benefits are monumental in comparsion to the price.

So my for goal, I decided to get Grow, Surge Recovery, Flameout and Creatine. I know I don’t need Surge Recovery and Flameout, but I would like to test them out.

Now I have a beginner question. As of now, I’ve been taking one scoop of whey protein in the morning and then one scoop after my workout. Is that enough? Now I know everyone has different goals and should take different amounts. I remember reading an article about the amount of protein intake one should have based on your weight. I tried to find the article again but couldnt find it. Any input regarding this would this would be appreciated.

Thanks again for the input everyone.

Can’t argue with hardgnr. He had some of the BEST advice I’ve ever seen on this site. My program is mine and only mine. You can pick people’s brains, but what worked for me may not work for you. This game is one to be played SLOWLY. It takes brutal ass patience. Make your program your own. The four you picked look fine, but one at a time would be better.

Think about saving your money and try creatine for a month with no other diet/training changes. Then you know the changes that occur in that month were from the creatine. Then buy the Flameout and try that for a month, then the Surge Recovery. The Grow! Whey I would consider a staple and more like food than a supplement.

If you introduce them one at a time you will know what’s working. You throw them all in at once and you’ll have no idea where the results are coming from. I made that mistake as a noobie and thought NO Xplode was GOD’s gift to training. What a terd I was back then!

Regarding the protein. No less than 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. 200lbs = 200g. More is better, like 1.5g per pound. Adjust your carbs and fats around this number since all your meals should have protein in them. Find your maintenance calorie number. If it’s 3000/cals per day and you’re trying to “lean out”, subtract 500 from that number and start there. Since you’re on a cut, limit carb intake to mornings and post workout. Combine the other meals with healthy fats & veggies. Divide into 6 meals a day. Pretty simple. Carrying it out and not missing meals is what separates the progress-ors from the regress-ors.