So far I’ve been just talking whey protein when i wake up and after my work outs. But now that I have some more money to spend, I would like to ask you all for some advice.
I’ve been reading wonderful things about Surge Recovery, Metabolic Drive, Flameout and Surge Workout Fuel.
So my plan is to do the following:
-Buy Metabolic Drive for protein drink when I wake up.
-Buy Flameout to replace my fish oil.
-Buy Workout Fuel to drink before work outs.
-Buy Surge recovery for after my work out.
I have no problem buying Metabolic Drive as my new whey protein and buying Surge recovery for after work out since that was my regular routine anyways, but I’m wondering if buying Flameout and workout fuel is worth it?
I read the back of Flameout and it tells you to eat 4 capsule in one day. Since there is 90 capsule in the bottle that means if i took it every day, i would use it all in 23 days! Where as my regular fish oil i buy from costco would last me 5 times longer. Is Flameout worth the extra $25 a month?
Also I have a question about workout fuel. When i was reading the description on the store website it had a quote in it.
“On the other hand, if you’re not into hard training, don’t bother buying the stuff! Workout Fuel is overkill for those who aren’t serious about training.”
Now I work out three, maybe four times a week. When I work out I train pretty hard, but nothing hardcore. I was interested in this product since I would like some boost in my training especially after I have been sitting at a desk working for the past 8 hours before my workout.
What do you guys think? Do you guys think this is a good starting point from my upgrade from whey protein? And what do you think about Flameout and workout fuel?
Appreciate the advice!
One more thing, what do you guys think about creatine? Thanks!