Some Dap for Brian Siders

Brian Siders lifts sort of got lost in the shuffle this weekend with all the attention around Kennelly’s world record bench. But Siders put up one of the most impressive PL performances I’ve ever seen, making his return to the USAPL after a technical suspension and blowing away the competition with a 959 squat and then buried a 1003 squat but got called for taking a step backward at the end of the lift.

He also hit a 777 IPF world record bench that he practically pushed through the roof of the building. And pulled 865. One the greats. If you want to see a real squat, then look no further my friends:

Awesome squat, looked easy for him.

The king is back.

2,600 is just out of this world.

Without question one of the most explosive lifters in the history of the sport.

It is just awesome to see him back. I can’t wait for this year’s Nationals.

Ouch, what a ripoff- squatted a legit grand only to have it taken away on some petty infraction like foot movement! Ah well. Siders is monster. I watched him warm up for a meet in near Atlanta a coupel years ago. I remember him taking these real explosive squat warm ups. He would pop the weight up so fast that when he locked out the bar, literally bounced clear off his traps. Not a big deal if we were talking about 315 or 405- but this was with 700+.

Crazy Explosive. Unfreakingbelievable.

That was sick. Was nice to see a great lift with good depth.


I notice his knees come forward when he squats. What type of suit does he wear that it is adjusted for forward knee movement?

same suit most everyone else at the comp wore.

[quote]bearmd wrote:
I notice his knees come forward when he squats. What type of suit does he wear that it is adjusted for forward knee movement?[/quote]

Dude, it’s not the WPO or APF.

In order to get no forward knee movement you have to be set up very wide, and to be set up really wide you need a monolift.

Siders is crazy strong and only USAPL/IPF politics prevented him from winning the last two worlds.

Monstrous, crazy respect for the guy.

Sucks to get called on a technicality, he squatted a grand, though.

I am astounded that he didn’t get that. Maybe I just don’t have an eye for what the judges saw, but that looked like a perfectly good squat.

[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
I am astounded that he didn’t get that. Maybe I just don’t have an eye for what the judges saw, but that looked like a perfectly good squat.

Watch his left foot.

In my opinion it’s a good thing he didn’t get it. At least no one can accuse the USAPL of giving gifts to their big name lifters like most of the feds are doing now.

Monster, will save them to watch before traning.

Awesome lifts. Guy is a beast.

I think 2600 is on his low end. It looks as if he could have done about 50 pounds over his red lighted lift on squat. Truly impressive strength.

Brian is an amazing lifter and Will be very impressive at Men’s nationals. On the 1003 squat he took a step backward with his left foot - amazing that he stayed in control of the bar. He missed his third bench at lock out as well - a 793, I believe. So, yes, he has much more power in him than he showed at this meet.

Yea I think gillingham and lewis will have to step to the side next year. Good to have Siders back and nice to see the return of the 1,000+ pound walkout squat

[quote]Hanley wrote:
SkyzykS wrote:
I am astounded that he didn’t get that. Maybe I just don’t have an eye for what the judges saw, but that looked like a perfectly good squat.

Watch his left foot.

In my opinion it’s a good thing he didn’t get it. At least no one can accuse the USAPL of giving gifts to their big name lifters like most of the feds are doing now.[/quote]

I was at that meet, one of the best run meets I’ve been to ever. The judging that day was ridiculously strict, but fair and even all around.