Solution to Mag-10 use with HST

Hello, T-folk!

Next week I'll finish up my first cycle of HST. What a great program! My strength gains went through the roof, and I seem to have added a couple pounds LBM.

After my much needed 12 days of "detraining", I plan on starting another HST cycle...only this time I'm going balls to the wall with Mag-10, two weeks on, two weeks off, then two weeks on again. I'm not effin around, either, because I plan on using 2 doses per day of Mag-10.

I'm modifying the HST program somewhat to make the best use I can of the Mag-10. Here is what I plan to do:

The first two week cycle: Work out every other day (M,W,F,Su,Tu,Th,S) and do three sets of each body part. I'll use 10 rep sets. Every day I work out I'll switch the exercises. In other words, If I do flat bench on Monday I'll do incline on Wednesday and then decline on Friday.

After my two week recovery period, I’ll do the same schedule as before, only this time I’ll up the weight and do 8 rep sets. I don’t want to go below 8, again, to make full use of the Mag-10 for hypertrophy purposes.

I think this is a good way to get the most out of Mag-10 while still adhering somewhat to the HST program. Any thoughts?


Sounds like a good plan over all, but what’s the fear of 5 reps. Lots of research shows that low rep training is excellent for hypertrophy, especially for experienced lifters. Just keep the form perfect and the tempo not to fast. I also think you will get better hypertrophy results from the last two weeks of negatives than keeping it at eight reps. Either way good luck

You bring up an excellent point. During my two-week “off” periods of Mag-10 I’ll do 5x5 training. Good tip!