i’m almost through my second week of 10’s. i started my mag-10 at the beginning of this week and have really felt it. do you think it would be benefitial to do my first week of 5’s mon/tue/wed/thr/fri instead of just mon/wed/fri? i want to get as much out of being on mag-10 as i can. thanks for the advice.
I would do 5 days only if you reduced the volume slightly. For example, if you normally do 2 sets of bench, just do one, but try to get a few more reps.
ANother option would be to keep the volume the same, and workout mon, wed, fri, sun, tue, thur, sat, etc. That way you never take more than a day off but get more out of your Mag-10 Cycle. Hope this helps.
reducing the volume is a good idea. do you think i should go to failure on the submaximal weights leading up to the final workout though? this is my first time with hst and i’m sure that the first few workouts i’ll be able to do 8 to 10 reps with the submaximal weights. thanks for the help.
I am in asimilar situation.
just starting mag 10 today doing 1st week of 10’s. i am gonna do week 10’s and work up over 1 week and then do the same on week 2 with 8’s then go to 5’s for the 2 week period after the cycle finishes, however because i train 4xweek i do a westside barbell type split just doing 2 max effort excercises and 2 dynamic effort excercises followed by legs and back 2 days per week and arms chest and shoulders 2 days per week. for the next 2 weeks i will include 2 recovery workouts 1 for each ‘day’ each week.
let us know how you get on.
Will, I don’t see too much of a problem with going to failure prior to the final workout in a particular microcycle. I wouldn’t push for it, but if you can get 12 reps where you used to get 10, give it a shot and see what happens. However, please keep in mind that working to failure, especially if you’ve going to go with the 5x/week option, is going to drain your recovery ability dramatically, even with the androgen. Feed you body adaquetly, and you might want to consider supplementing with some Glutamine. Hope this helps.