Need help with Mag-10 and HST training!

Hello, T-Folk,

A little background info...I used Mag-10, 2 doses per day back in March on three separate cycles. During that time my weight shot up from 169 to 207. I haven't used Mag-10 since, and I'm happy to report that I've been holding a pretty steady body weight that ranges from 198 to 202. Overall, I'm very happy with what I've been able to retain.

My body has had ample time to adjust to the new weight, and therefore I just ordered 4 bottles of Mag-10 and am now ready to jump to the next level.

Since I'm doing HST training at present, I would like some advice on what you think the best way is to incorporate the Mag-10 into this 8-week routine. I would still like to take two doses per day if possible, but that might by difficult since the HST program is 8 weeks in length.

Here are some ideas that I had:

1 dose per day for the last four weeks (5 rep and negative rep microcycles), and then repeat that scenario again in the next HST cycle (which would be 6 weeks or so later).

2 doses per day for the last two weeks (negative rep microcycle), and then repeat that scenario again in the next HST cycle (which would be 8 weeks or so later)

or, more dramatically, 1 dose per day for the entire 8 week HST training cycle and then take another 4 months or so off Mag-10 and try it again in January or February of 2003.

Those were some of my ideas, but please feel free to chime in. All suggestions woule be welcome. I'm really not sure of the best route to take on this.

Thanks in advance!

I don’t really see a need to be “on” when doing the 15’s, so I’d go with option one or two.

Mike, dont take this the wrong way, but how freakin big do you want to get?
I’ve gathered from your previous posts that 170lbs is your ~maximum non-steroid LBM weight. As of now you are a clean 30lbs above that.

I’m not critisicing your goals, I’m just wondering at what point you will be satisfied.

I’m not sure on the dosing of Mag 10, but, this has been discussed at the HST forum. Basically Bryan has said that with Mag 10 ( or any androgen) that you should use it during the second week of 10s and first week of 5s. (2 on 4 off cycle) That way you are able to hold on to the gains due to continuing with heavy loads once you stop. There is a thread over there called Mag-10 (I think). Steve

I agree with TEK, that there is no need for MAG-10 during your 15s. One thought is to increase your total volume during the 10s and use 1-2 doses during that cycle. Then take the 5s off and then come back and take MAG-10 again during the Negs. This lets your endocrine system recover and lets MAG-10 hit at the most optimal times for hypertrophy to occur.


What effect do you think your myostat usage has had on your weight gain, and have you noticed anything different with myo than if you would have tried this without? Seems like an awful lot of gains to keep to me unless you were grossly underweight to start with (which I don’t think you were gathering by previous posts)



By the way to answer your originalk question I would probably do two doses a day for the last 4 weeks (two weeks of 5’s, two weeks of negs)


Hello, all.

Thanks for the prompt replies!

Brad, you are too kind. I'm not a ripped 200 by any stretch, but just to look at me you'd know right away that I hit the 'ol iron. I guess I'm going on another bulking phase because I feel a bit stagnated at my current weight since I've been here so long.

Exp, I stopped taking Myostat about a month ago. Finances have limited me to EITHER Mag-10 or Myostat, and I feel you get more bang for your buck with Mag-10. Did Myostat help me maintin my new size? Probably, but I also think I was able to hold onto my gains because my protein intake has remained high (at least 160 - 200g per day) during these last few months.

As far as using the Mag-10 with HST, I've got it narrowed down to two choices (thanks to the responses on this post); either

(a) Using 2 doses per day for the two weeks of 10 reps and 2 doses per day for the two weeks of negatives, or

(b) Using 1 dose per day for 8 weeks for the entire HST cycle and slowly increasing my calories by 250 per day / per two weeks. In other words, eat 3000 calories during weeks 1 and 2, 3250 calories during weeks 3 and 4, etc.

Can anyone think of why it would NOT be benificial to do one massive 8-week cycle of Mag-10 (one dose per day) for the entire HST program? Of course, after that I would not take Mag-10 for at least a few months. Hell, if the gains are good enough, I may not have to take Mag-10 ever again!

As always, I look forward to the comments.

use hst training for off cycle training. if you read his articles you’ll see that when you are on anabolics, you need to train a lot and eat a lot of protein. The anabolics do all the work for you. HST is to stimulate muscle growth when on natural hormonal levels. The only concept i would take would be to train body parts more frequently since you will have great recovery with the anabolics. good luck, laters pk