So Many Supplements, Need Advice.

Here is a list of the supplements I have, these are brand new and, as I said in a previous post, I will most likely not have the money to continute on with this “big” list. After these things on my list have depleted, I would like to know what I could end up buying over and over again, just what I barely need to keep on growing. I may get some of that ‘Grow! Premium Quality Whey’ after I used up my good stuff.

The list:

Creatine (Generic)
Nitric Oxide Powder (Generic)
Beta-7 (Biotest)
BCAA (Biotest)
Rez-V (Biotest)
Surge Recovery (Biotest)
Metabolic Drive Super Protein Shake (Biotest)
Fish Oil (Generic)

The inexpensive stuff would be Grow! Whey, Fishoil, and Creatine. I can afford those every month. Now the tricky part, I bought this stuff because summer is coming to an end and school is starting again, which means less time to workout. I want to utilize what I have right now and if anyone has used these products\conjuction of these products before what is the best way to possibly use them all, and what order.

Should I avoid taking certain products with others? Are some of these redundant? Are some of these completely not required? Also, What should I DEFINATELY stick with besides the basic protein powder, fishoil, and creatine. I want to gain mass, so should I just stick with a tight low rep\high weight workout or continue as normal? I have Chad Waterbury’s book and I plan to do the SOB program (involves changing between high sets\low reps and low sets\high reps). Thank you :).

Ditch the NO2.

Protein Whey
Fish Oil

That’s all you really need, imo. But if you can afford the rest… by all means.

[quote]bobo86 wrote:
Protein Whey
Fish Oil

I agree with this. If you can afford the Rez-V, I’d recommend that too.

[quote]Brant_Drake wrote:
Ditch the NO2.

Thanks man, I wish I found that article sooner :x.

Definitely Surge for your pre/during/post.

Ok, Thanks for the advice on what I should barely have. Now, this is how I am gonna go about my workout plan and the way I take these. Feel free to comment on what I should change.

Creatine (Generic)
Nitric Oxide Powder (Generic)
Beta-7 (Biotest)
BCAA (Biotest)
Rez-V (Biotest)
Surge Recovery (Biotest)
Metabolic Drive Super Protein Shake (Biotest)
Fish Oil (Generic)

The following is on HEAVY TRAINING DAYS (4x a week) only.

Super Protein Shake (1 serving) + Generic protein shake(1 serving)
Beta-7 (1 pill)
Fish Oil (2 tablespoons)
BCAA (4 pills)
Rez-v (1 pill)

Super Protein Shake (1 serving) + Generic protein shake (1 serving)
Beta-7 (1 pill)
BCAA (4 pills)

Before Workout:
Super Protein Shake (1 serving) + Generic protein shake (1 serving)
Spike (2 pills)
BCAA (3 pills)

During Workout:
BCAA (3 pills)

After Workout:
Surge (1 serving) + Generic protein shake (1 serving) + Creatine (5 grams)
BCAA (3 pills)

Before Bed:
BCAA (8 pills)
Beta-7 (1 pill)
Surge (1 serving) + Generic protein shake (1 serving)
Fish Oil (2 tablespoons)

That was for training days only, I know I’m taking a lot of shakes and I’m wondering if I should cut down anywhere on that, I am going to bust my ass as much as possible, but I hope that I’m not wasting all my protein in one place. I also plan to eat like a damn starving dinosaur on top of the shakes, so don’t ask =). Is there anything I should change\add\remove. Feel free to say anything critical or supportive.

If you’re on a budget, one option is to ditch the Surge and make your own shake with the cheaper Grow! and Gatorade. It doesn’t quite have all the amino acids as Surge, but it’s good enough, especially if you are already buying the BCAA tablets.

More importantly, don’t forget your daily multivitamins and minerals.

I would can the Beta-7. You already have creatine, it’s too expensive and it doesn’t even really cater to your goals.

You have Waterbury’s book right? check out what he says on his results from Beta-7 and you’ll see what I mean. I’m not buying my Beta-7 again after I run out.You’re better off spending the extra money on Rez-V in my opinion. Keep that damn estrogen away! Here’s the article link. Oh yeah… and good luck in school…
