[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:
Dark_Angel wrote:
Ok in that case money IS an issue. Just remember the law of diminishing marginal returns. The more you spend on supplements per month after a certain point, the less you get back per dollar spent? Where does the curve start to trail off?
If you’re in college, straight away, you can probably lop off Alpha Male for 50 bucks. Second, I’d drop the BCAA and Beta-alinine. You can find those products in powder for less, and that will be a better use of your money. I wouldn’t worry about the Carbolin 19. Plenty of people here have made impressive gains without it, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to either.
That leaves you with:
Flameout, Creatine, Surge, and Low-Carb Metabolic Drive for 97 dollars total. To get free shipping, I’d order a second Surge and either another Metabolic Drive or Metabolic Drive Complete (you’re a bit skinny so the Metabolic Drive Complete may serve you well). In the end, if you can’t assess your own supplement needs yet, I highly doubt you’re at the level where you need Alpha Male, Carbolin 19, and such. Learn and figure out what’s going on with your body and the eating patterns you need.
Get big now![/quote]
This post is dead on, I couldn’t agree more. Metabolic Drive Complete, Flameout, Creatine, and Surge should be staples in your supplement arsenal. I also use Grow! Whey as a basic protein powder throughout the day. It’s good quality, and has about 75 servings for $29.99, that’s tough to beat. Throw in 2 tubs along with hockechamp14’s recommendations, and that puts you at around $156, which gets you free shipping ($150+). Plus, the Grow! Whey will last you a while.
BCAA, Beta-7, Carbolin 19, and Alpha Male, as already stated, aren’t necessary at this point. Make sure you nail a solid diet, use supplements to ‘supplement’ your needs, train hard and smart, and you’ll do fine.