Hello, I am 22 years old and I really need help with using the correct supplements with my diet/workout. I am fairly new to training so I need some guidance. I workout every other day and play basketball 5x a week for an hour and a half. I am taking these supplements: www.stacklabs.com/combos/mixes/bulking-mix-3/prod_14.html
I have taken these for a little bit less than a week now but don’ feel any different. I was wondering if I should stick with these, drop them, or add that new supplement from this website called the “third law of muscle.” Thanks for the advice. Fyi: I am 6 foot, 165 pounds, and I eat pretty healthy.
You don’t feel anything because the crap you’re taking is horseshit; i hate to tell you, but you’re wasting your money with that stuff. All these schmoe’s do is modify the spelling of a popular steroid in hopes of finding a sucker; kinda like the products you see at places like legalsteriods.com.
I’ll bottle some sawdust up in some v-caps and sell them to you if you want…I’m not trying to give you a hard time, but you’ve unfortunately fell victim to the dark side of the supplement industry. My suggestion:
- Surge for peri-nutrition
- Grow! Whey for shakes in morn and throughout the day.
- Leucine to put in shakes and take with meals.
- German Micronized Creatine-just follow instructions on bottle.
- If you don’t want to spend the $$ on Surge, which incidentally is about your most important supplement you can have, get some BCAA’s and take them throughout the workout.
- Some Flameout pills will do wonders.
- Make sure you’re getting at least 25% of your calories from healthy fats
- shoot for a minimum of 1g of protein per lb you weigh.
- Give the “prohormone” supplements a rest. Concentrate on getting a sound diet and lifting routine before you start messing that with stuff. And then when you do, but from here and you won’t get taken like you did with the “stack” you posted earlier.
- Read everything you can from Christian Thib and Charles Poliquin; imho, about the best info you can get. If you have pain, read stuff from Eric Cressey. Don Alessi is good; shit, the list of good info goes on and on here. You just need to spend some time studying material here. Make is your goal to be a “junior” exercise physiologist before you start dropping hundred of dollars of Dekka and Annadral and the likes. Don’t look for quick fixes.
That’s a lot of basketball; don’t expect to get huuuge playing and hour and a half of basketball five times a week. You calories out, i can almost bet, are more than your calories in. Choose your battles. If you like playing bball that much, then understand the fact that it may be tough to put on an appreciable amount of muscle mass when you throw your lifting in there too.
A good split to go with is a M,T, Thr, Sat lifting routine, but I really don’t like to generalize when it comes to workouts. You need to understand how you’re built, what you respond to (ie endo, etco, meso) in training. How much do you sleep? What is your calorie count for the day? What are your calorie derivations?
SO many questions!! Just start immersing yourself in all that is T-Nation and pretty soon you’ll be rockin’ and rollin’.
Good luck
By the way, my opening paragraph was a tad rough, sorry if I came off like an asshole; i was just pissed to see that those guys got another person to buy their snake oil…
No thank you soo much for helping me out. Can I just stop taking what I am taking now or will I need to ease off of it? Anyway all the things that you have listed seem kind of hard to find. I can find the money to buy the products, and I defiantly want to buy the third law of muscle. Thanks
O yes and I just realized all of those things are on the website, thanks.
ha, no prob. you have any other q’s just pm me and i’ll help you out. As for tapering off, you’ve been on for two weeks, right? Assuming that they actually inhibit natural production of testosterone, you still wouldn’t really need to worry about tapering a whole lot…but I don’t really even know what they hell is in those and neither do you, that’s the funny shit about that stuff. I’d just bail on them, if it were me.
Surge Workout Fuel is good shit, but I was kinda referring to Surge Recovery; sorry, i kinda forgot that there are two Surge products…personally I would worry about the Surge Recovery first. You can take a half serving for the pre/during workout period and then another half or full serving after.
You’re a beginner, so sorry about things in this order
#1 - Cleaning up your diet
#2 - Consistently lifting with and correct form
#3 - Everything else
AFTER you do the first two things long enough, then worry about supplements.
Surge Workout Fuel for example is great stuff, but there’s no way a beginner is putting in the type of intensity (because you don’t know how yet) that would justify it. It would end up being a waste of money.
I would only get two supplements as a start. Get a post workout drink (Surge Recovery) and a good fish oil. Maybe creatine since it’s so cheap and effective.