Sleep and Muscle loss

Guys i get a ridiculous amount of sleep. Generally i get 10-12hrs easily but then there are those days (like today) that i slept for 14hrs.

I can’t justify 14hrs because its crazy but i have been training consecutively solid on a high frequency system. And i am a really active guy but i just love my sleep and i feel that if i got nothing to do i can sleep forever.

But does so much sleep have negative affects on muscle growth since no nutrients are being consumed in such long periods?

I am a student and so don’t have to commit waking up 9.00am every day and hence the long sleep. However if its having bad affects on my muscle then im gona try to stop it!

Well you are in a fast while sleep - I reckon if you sleep that long, wake up once or twice and have a shake every 4-6 hours. Can’t comment if that much sleep is too much, though I do believe that 8-10 is optimal.