Single Arm Training

Training one arm for strength increases the strength of the untrained arm as well as the trained arm, thanks in part to adaptations within the sensorimotor cortex. Subjects who simply imagined strength training one arm showed no increase in strength in either arm.

ive always had a hard time doing left bicep work compared to my right bicep. like i feel i could always bang out 5 more reps with my right when my left is dead so if i actually do keep going with my right arm doing curls or something would my left arm still retain benefits from the work done from my right?

it seems like thats what this says but i just thought id see what others had to think as well.

…just do things like dumbell curls so each arm gets the same weight…the left will catch up to the right eventually…i’m not sure if that’s what you are saying…but that’s what i’ve always understood to be the procedure if you wanna cure uneven balances…

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
ive always had a hard time doing left bicep work compared to my right bicep. like i feel i could always bang out 5 more reps with my right when my left is dead so if i actually do keep going with my right arm doing curls or something would my left arm still retain benefits from the work done from my right?[/quote]

I don’t see how that’d work to be honest!
I’m sure single arm work has its benefits but for you, me or the average gym goer (the non pro) its pretty useless, stick to incline dumbbell curls, scott bench curls, preacher curls, reverse curls…big motor unit recruiters, and if you want to do single arm work and your right arm is the stronger of the two, use your left to dictate the number of reps for that given set!

i do that already it just seems to take a long time to move up in weight while curling and i blame it on my left arm because it gives out so much faster than my right.

This may be a bit out of left field, but perhaps it is not just your biceps’ fault. Try this.

The “No Curl” Biceps Program by Alwyn Cosgrove