Simple Shred Down Diet

[quote]cueball wrote:
XxchasexX wrote:
cueball wrote:
XxchasexX wrote:

What do you think is a good diet plan for someone of my situation?

I could tell you, but you won’t learn as much as reading several different plans outlined on this site and finding the one that fits YOU the best. Good luck!


Amuse me

And by the way, it’s “humor me”.[/quote]

Yeah “amuse” would involve some kind of entertainment like nude dancing. We can’t have too much of that around here. It just wouldn’t fly.

Also, read the articles by John Berardi and devlop a range of knowledge that you can use to analyze your situation. It is extremely hard for people to critique your diet needs over the intertrons.

Also, eat more. Don’t cut until you get up to about 190 or so. Just keep your body fat low. remember to rest. you will only grow and lose fat while sleeping and eating, not training.

At your level you will keep the fat off and put on a bunch of muscle if you just eat big (meat, veggies and beans) and train hard with large, compound lifts.
