Help!! I Need Somebody...

How’s it hanging boys and ladies…

I hate to put this out there but i need HELP!. I am revising everything i used to do and I am finally at the mental Capacity to train like i should. I have trained in the past, never with a set routine, diet, or goal to work for. I do now. I am commited to lifting 4-5days a week and with a 30/min daily cardio as well.

I have attached some pics and need your help to maybe direct a poor informed dude on the best way to achieve my goals. I watch what i eat more so now, try to keep under 1900 calories as advised by my nutritionist.

Please just go nuts and judge my pics as bad as u need to. I WAN"T TO GROW AND GET TO 8-10% body fat. I know there is work involved and i’m down.

basically i’m looking for tips on diet, routine, and supplements that may help me as well.

I am 24, 187lbs, currently at 20% bf, and would like to stay around the same weight but drop to 8-10%

Please PLease PLease help me. i was informed that this is the site to go to for help. If you lovely, very wel built and beautiful people can help out, please do

Thank You all
One Luv

p.s anyone have a clue on how i can post the pics right onto the forum without having to have a url link. i’m so basic i know.

First your nutrionist is a moron 1900 kcals a day?!?!?!?!? For a 24 year old male who looks about 5’10" or so.

Read the the articles in the “Are you a beginner II” thread at the top of the beginners forum. Read them all.

[quote]jbodzin wrote:
First your nutrionist is a moron 1900 kcals a day?!?!?!?!? For a 24 year old male who looks about 5’10" or so.

this is putting it politely. You probably couldn’t grow hair on 1900 cals a day. I’ll tell you one thing right off the bat. If you start tracking your BF% you will NEVER grow as much muscle as you could and you will never grow any at all on 1900 cals a day.

Find a solid simple program, learn the movements, do it hard and faithfully and EAT!!! Eat meat, chicken, fish, whole eggs, some fruits and veggies and cut the cardio in half. Just stay away from packaged processed junk food. For supps I wouldn’t worry about much else except for maybe a whey protein powder like Grow! for a while, maybe creatine.

Trust me, you do these things and you will gain muscle and lose some of the fat being at 20%, assuming that’s accurate. Adjust after you see how something like this goes for several months. If you begin by worrying about dropping to 10% bf, at your level of experience you’ll probably never get there and you won’t gain either. Even if you do get down to 10% you’ll look like a Somalian refugee.

just wanted to point aout a few good articles for you, but you still need to read the “Are you a Beginner II”.

Massive Eating Reloaded, Part I

Read all the articles linked in this one also. Also read part II.

[quote]publicdisplay wrote:
p.s anyone have a clue on how i can post the pics right onto the forum without having to have a url link. i’m so basic i know.[/quote]

Pretty much the same way you would’ve had to have done it to post them on snapfish?

BTW, you’re woryyin me with this “One Luv” deal. You’re not gonna start tryin to get us all into a group cyber hug or something right?

…Help!!! Not just anybody…

If you want to decrease your bodyfat pct without gaining any weight on the scale then just lift hard without changing your eating. You may gain or lose some pounds, only time will tell.

If you want to grow and want that growth to be muscle then lift hard and eat more. If you eat too much then you will also put on fat. If you eat too little then you won’t optimize muscle growth.

If you want to grow and just gain fat then just eat more without lifting.

Also, as long as you are lifting hard then you can also do cardio. But long cardio sessions will burn fat and muscle, so too much of this can just make you smaller, i.e. less fat and also less muscle. Doing short intense intervals may help you burn fat and improve your cardiovascular system without hurting your muscle gains.

Thanx guys for all your help!!!..definately a good eye opener.

so basically, eat boat loads of protein, gram per pound i assume?? and is cardio best done before or after the work-out? or at a seperate time altogether? 15mins is optimal?

so it it looks like my nutritionist is on crack so her advice is gone. for diet high protein meats and fish and low carbs.

is it better to change up a routine every 3 weeks or stick with the same routine for a couple months? which is more effective?

thanx guys.

cyber hug anyone?

[quote]publicdisplay wrote:
Thanx guys for all your help!!!..definately a good eye opener.

so basically, eat boat loads of protein, gram per pound i assume?? and is cardio best done before or after the work-out? or at a seperate time altogether? 15mins is optimal?

so it it looks like my nutritionist is on crack so her advice is gone. for diet high protein meats and fish and low carbs.

is it better to change up a routine every 3 weeks or stick with the same routine for a couple months? which is more effective?

thanx guys.

cyber hug anyone?[/quote]

Proein should be 1.5-2.0g per lbm
Cardio after weights. Doing it before will decrease your lifting performance.

No don’t cut out carbs you need carbs read the articles.

Stick with your program for at least 5 weeks, the first week, at least for me is always the week I figure out how to do new exercise and what weight to use.

[quote]publicdisplay wrote:
Thanx guys for all your help!!!..definately a good eye opener.

so basically, eat boat loads of protein, gram per pound i assume?? and is cardio best done before or after the work-out? or at a seperate time altogether? 15mins is optimal?

so it it looks like my nutritionist is on crack so her advice is gone. for diet high protein meats and fish and low carbs.

is it better to change up a routine every 3 weeks or stick with the same routine for a couple months? which is more effective?

thanx guys.

cyber hug anyone?[/quote]

You do not need to change your routine every 3 weeks. You are at a very early stage in your lifting career. You should pick a simple program based around squats, deadlifts, presses, chins and rows, and stick with it for at least 6 months before making changes. The only thing that should change is the weight on the bar, which should go up steadily week to week.

Keep your volume reasonably low, train hard but not stupid (don’t go to failure too often), be patient and grind away at it.

As for cardio, either after you lift or at an altogether different time (although you may need a lot less cardio than you think once you get into the groove with the iron.)

And you should be eating 1900 calories by early afternoon. Fire your nutritionist.

[quote]publicdisplay wrote:
Thanx guys for all your help!!!..definately a good eye opener.

so basically, eat boat loads of protein, gram per pound i assume?? and is cardio best done before or after the work-out? or at a seperate time altogether? 15mins is optimal?

so it it looks like my nutritionist is on crack so her advice is gone. for diet high protein meats and fish and low carbs.

is it better to change up a routine every 3 weeks or stick with the same routine for a couple months? which is more effective?

thanx guys.

cyber hug anyone?[/quote]

Your nutritionist may be very good at helping overweight women slim up, but unless you just didn’t tell her you wanted to put on some meat, she doesn’t sound like she has any experience with how men get larger under weights.

In my opinion 6 months is too long. I doubt you won’t have worn your way through a new routine quite a bit shy of that. 3 weeks also isn’t long enough. Jbodzin’s suggestion of 5 weeks is the short end of my way of thinking, but I don’t know everything and everybody’s different.

Just eat lots of good food. Like the other guy said, I wouldn’t worry about low anything at this point, including fat. You need fat. I’m not saying to drink melted lard with your protein, but some whole eggs and a juicy steak or some burgers will promote muscle growth and you can have more than you think if you’re training hard without it going to your midsection.

Reading lotsa stuff about routines is educational, but pick something for beginners and stick to it for a while. Don’t be one of these guys who starts a new one after every new article. After a while your body will tell you what it needs and if you pay attention you’ll know how to listen.