I have days like that with these too! Like my hip is all weird, my back doesn’t like it and things just don’t line up like they should. And then the next time I try the stars and planets align and everything feels like it should. So weird. I blame barometric pressure, because it’s definitely not anything to do with me. lol
Well, obviously. Just goes without saying.
It is weird. Usually it’s the movements like squats or bench that sometimes just won’t feel right (well, bench never does). Some little single leg thing shouldn’t be so complicated… but I’m also not looking for excuses to get my BSS done!
Did a light pull workout this morning. These aren’t super entertaining, but they do provide a recover effect: I’m way looser and less sore after.
- Cable Row: 4x10
- Supinated PD: 4x10
- Face Pull: 4x10
- SAPD: 4x10
- Pinwheel Curls: 4x10
- EZ 21s: 3 sets
- Cable Crunch: 4 sets
Light push workout today. Very similar to the pull. These are absolutely recovery workouts - I feel better leaving than going in.
4 sets of 10-12 on everything:
- Slight Decline DB
- Dips
- Cable Flyes
- Cable Laterals
- Pushdowns
- OH Cable Extensions
Sorry, haven’t been logging. Legs today:
Lying Leg Curls
Worked up doing sets of 8.
Stayed at the top weight for 3 sets and tacked 25 partials onto the last set. -
These felt pretty good even with a straight bar today. I stayed really light and poppy. I also haven’t been feeling good squatting for awhile, so didn’t want to overdo it; just getting practice in.
275/6 -
Leg Press
4pps/10 + mini sets of 4 with 10s rests; I think I did about 5 of those -
Hack Squat
1pps/8 x 3
I haven’t used this particular machine before. I liked it more than I usually do. -
65/15 x 2 pretty easy sets -
Smith Standing Calves
135/10 + 10s hold: 3x = 1 set
2 total sets
The end.
What’s going on here?
I keep running into all the big lifts getting a little wonky from time to time. In my case, it’s usually that I get a little lax with my form.
Split squats are stupid and they hurt and I hate them. I also think if you do them, you’ll live forever. I’m still not sure they’re worth it.
Just not staying on top of everything plus sitting far too much, I think. Nothing special.
Who wants to live forever??
Pretty awesome arms and abs workout today… now I’m eating dinner outside in 80° weather!
Meh…depends on whether lunges are a requirement.
I haven’t missed any workouts, but have missed logging.
My last work trip was perfect - left from my daughter’s volleyball game straight to my flight, landed and ate dinner at a beach restaurant; next day was super easy meetings, a walk on the beach, and straight back home with no delays!
This morning I did a chest/ back workout:
- Superset:
- DB Incline
85/8 x 2 - Pull-ups
BW/ 6-8
- Superset:
- Seated Cable Row
4 x 10 - Dips
4 x 10
- Superset
- DB Flye
30/10ish + 10s stretch x 3 - Pushups
BW/F x 3
- C/S Row
2.25p/6 x 6
Then a bunch of abs
Now I’m back at the airport but with my wife - we’ll take a couple days in FL with her friends because I had both vacation days and hotel nights I was going to lose.
I should have added in here, I haven’t been walking like I normally do - it’s insane cold and I’ve let myself be a little too much of an average sedentary corporate drone lately. Anyway, I’ve been hitting my walks the last few days, and my heart rate is significantly higher! Like ~12BPM, and that’s even after a pretty big body weight drop (via diet). Take home for me: walking is great.
Walking is the biggest favor we can do ourselves. Good observation there.
Just calisthenics stuff the last few days with the wife. Lots of walking, though, so that’s good.
Today was “speed” legs once I landed
Lying Leg Curls
125/6 -
DE Box SSB Squats
Chains for all sets
185/3 x 8
60s between sets -
Leg Press
4pps + double red bands x 8, 10, 12 -
Leg Extension
80/10 x 3 w/ 2s flex each rep
That was it - quick one
Everything felt super comfortable today, which likely means I’m headed for a devastating injury. I also never thought I’d be happy to see the Eagles win in dominant fashion, but here we are.
Banded HS Flat Press
1pps + Doubled red band/ 8 x 4 -
195/6 -
Reverse Band Bench
255/5 x 3 -
Reverse Band CGBP
225/8 x 3 -
Grip Force Rope PD
5 x 10
I usually just go a black coffee or a pre workout before legs. But I guess this would also work.
Life continues to turn, as it does, and I’m going to have a few weeks where I’m not coming home even for the weekends - we’ll see what I pull off in hotel gyms.
For the next week, though, we can do normal workouts. I’ve been doing reps the way I want again lately - more explosive, rather than super slow - and I feel so much better, both in my joints and daily recovery from the workout.
Today was more legs:
Seated Leg Curls
Quite a few warmups
4 x 8 + 25p last set -
SSB Squat
Chains for all sets
45/6 x 2
Slowed down just a little, so pondered a minute but then stopped it there. Trying to stick with feeling good, especially on lower body. -
Hack Squat
This gym’s machine is weird, but I found an ok foot placement
2pps/ 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 -
Leg Extensions
3 x 10-20 with flexes and partials and stuff -
185/8 -
Standing Calves
2 x 12ish