Obviously this is going to be very goal dependent, but given this is TN I am assuming the goal is to stay big and strong.
I would have 2 planned sessions. Each would have lower body and upper body compound movement that I am focusing on and using as my measure of strength.
This could be SSB squat and DB bench press in session 1 and then RDL and overhead press in session 2. (you know what you like)
I would then build the workouts around a simple 4 week progression, simple % base or a rep progression at a given weight. Deload week 4 what ever works best. Then progress the weight and repeat.
Add to the session some accessory or supplemental work to support the main lifts.
This is basically like 531 or in bodybuilding terms its compounds followed by isolation work. (same same but different).
Workout 1
week 1 - 4 sets of 5 @ 75% 1RM
Week 2 - 5 sets of 5 @ 80%
week 3 - 5 sets of 5 @ 82.5 %
Week 4 - deload 3 sets of 5 at 70%
Bulgarians ( your preferred squat accessory to work weak point)
3 sets of 8-10 - weight or reps progress each week
Dumbell bench press
Same progression as with RDL
dumbell or barbel row (your preferred back accessory to work weak point)
3/4 sets 8-15 - weight or reps progress each week
Workout 2
week 1 - 4 sets of 5 @ 75% 1RM
Week 2 - 5 sets of 5 @ 80%
week 3 - 5 sets of 5 @ 82.5 %
Week 4 - deload 3 sets of 5 at 70%
Leg press ( your preferred deadlift accessory to work weak point)
3 sets of 8-10 - weight or reps progress each week
Overhead press
Same progression as with RDL
Pull ups or lat pull downs (your preferred back accessory to work weak point)
3/4 sets 8-15 - weight or reps progress each week
After the end of the block, just add 2.5% to the % and repeat, week 1 77.5%, week 2 82.5%, week 3 - 85%. It will probably work out that lower body weights are going up bu 10-20lbs a week and upper body 5-10lbs.
In terms of when you do these sessions, I would do them alternating and ideally not the next day. Other than that I would do them when ever I am in a gym that has the equipment to do the session. This could be at home or on the road at a good hotel gym (equipment permitting).
Then for the other workouts, just wing it. You now how to build a session based on time and equipment and you can use your other sessions to fill in with accessory work that will support you performing well the next time you hit one of these sessions. If you know your next session will be squats but you cant do it for 5 days, then include some sort of squatting in your hotel sessions so the body stays primed and ready when the time comes. In this way the 2 core session will give some loose direction to the fill in workouts. Not forgetting of course good conditioning helps with everything.
Hopefully this all makes some sort of sense. It does in my head