Shoulder Tendonitis

Hello, I’ve been weightlifting for a few months, and I my doctor told me I am suffering AC tendonitis. It doesn’t hurt when I snatch(becouse the weights are pretty light yet) or when I clean, but when it comes to the jerk, it’s a complet bitch, I can´t also do any kind of press without pain.

So, I want to ask, have any of you been in a similar situation? Is there any way to train properly around the pain?

Ok i would sy a couple things–firsr make sure your doc is used to dealing with athletes/weoghtlifters because what one doc says is “bad tendonitis” could be a torn labrum, or something else entirely. My brother had to deal with that. Second where does it hurt when you press?

It hurts in the front of my shoulder, just over my armpit.

I dont know, you really make me question my doc ^^.

from my experience, when a client experiences pain in the front of the shoulder it tends to be a pain referral from infraspinatus. do some soft tissue work with a lacrosse ball back there, or get a massage, and see if that helps.

[quote]1llusion wrote:
from my experience, when a client experiences pain in the front of the shoulder it tends to be a pain referral from infraspinatus. do some soft tissue work with a lacrosse ball back there, or get a massage, and see if that helps.[/quote]

I agree, and I also agree that because it happens on all pressing and jerks it might be some inflammation of the front delt area, which gets notoriously tight on pressing…I think if you’ve increased the volume significantly in the last couple months on all your jerks/pressing then it could also be plain old overly-tight muscles. I get pain in the front of my delt time to time and usually working out the soft tissue and taking care of tightness evens things out.

It might not be tendonitis or something more serious at all.

Active Release Technique.

The pain started during the summer, when I was doing a shit ton of bench pressing volume and then I moved to oly lifting, and it still hurts sometimes.

I started rolling it with a big paper ball and it feels quite better, thanks for the tip :slight_smile: … Thank me later

Are you doing any kind of pre/rehab for your shoulders?

[quote]bull.dogz wrote:
Are you doing any kind of pre/rehab for your shoulders?[/quote]
I started rolling it a few days ago.

I usually do a few sets of shoulder dislocations and general warming up before lifting.
A few months ago I was also doing a lot of band pull-aparts, face pulls, rows, etc, but it didn’t seem to help, and right now, even doing pull-ups hurts lol

JM85 thank you!!