Hey guys.
I’m new to this site, but I’ve really benefited from a lot of these forums and I was hoping I could get a few people’s opinions on my ongoing shoulder problems.
To start of with, I’m 20 and have been lifting consistently for four years now. I’ve always been on the slimmer side; 160lbs 5’10".
About a year ago I was sparring in a Jiu Jitsu course when I pulled something in my shoulder. Thinking I was just a little sore, I continued with high intensity free weight shoulder exercises. The most problematic of these exercises was the upright row. After doing a few of those with high weight I began to realize the seriousness of my injury.
I went to get an MRI, and a few opinions from doctors in my area. They concluded that I only had mild impingement in and around my rotator cuff. They gave me this huge-ass rubber band, gave me these silly exercises to do, and told me to stay out of the gym for 4-6 weeks, or something like that.
I did what they told me to do, and I lost a lot of what I had recently gained in the gym, which was very disconcerting. The exercises, if anything, seemed to be only making it worse. I began to take GNC’s Triflex joint supplement, which contains MSM, chondroitin, and glucosamine I believe, and that seemed to help the soreness, but it was only a band-aid.
The pain can only be described as sharp, and sore at the same time. If my elbow comes anywhere above my shoulder on my left side, there is fairly moderate pain.
I know that shoulder problems are very common among weightlifters, and I have always been very careful to use correct form in all of my exercises.
To make a long story even longer …
I got sick of doing richard simmons workouts in my room, and I hit the gym again. Stubborn, as I am, I have been working through the pain (which I know most people in here would frown upon).
I have tried face pulls, doing different lifts, cutting shoulder workouts out completely, stretching more than I need to, I’ve tried many things.
Bottom line is, I don’t wanna just cut the gym out of my life completely because of this nagging pain. How can I overcome this, and still make some personal gains?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.