Shoulder Pain

So I have a strange issue. Well, probably not…

Since I have been power lifting (and never before) I have had 2 instances when my shoulders have become exceptionally sore and I am almost certain I did some damage to my left shoulder (feels slightly unstable and it clicks now).

This occurred once while training and then again on the other side while at my first meet this last Saturday.

I am not sure if it from the weight pressing down on my shoulder from the squat (never has an issue before) r when bench pressing (more likely since the bench position I have been using since power lifting is different then how I usually lift).

I am wondering if the slightly arched back/big chest/shoulder pinched type position is causing this. I can equate the pain to a fairly bad strain and seems to emanate from the back and inside the shoulder.

Any shared experiences or possible solution with shoulder issues would be appreciated, it has never occurred before and has significantly impacted my training for bench press and squat.

It has allowed me to consistently hit PR’s on Dead Lift though! (only pain free PL movement haha) :slight_smile:

Why are you using a different bench position compared to how you usually lift? If something was working, there is no reason to change it.

That huge arch isnt for everyone. I dont arch like crazy or bring the bar way out but i tuck my shoulders abd elbows slightly. It kinda pisses me off how alot of youtube videos make it seem like geared benching applys to raw benching. Complete different dont change up because some know it all says so. The best way to lift is the way that keeps you injury free.

Also rehab that shoulder. Ice-stretches- band pull aparts etc.

I am using a different position because I just recently started training for power lifting. I have some rather experienced and well trained people giving me advice, figured I would finally post something.

I understand the why fix it if it isn’t broken mentality and will most likely switch to a flat or flatter back position. I am not even certain if it is the bench press remember. Althogh I do suspect this to be the culprit.

[quote]quentincf wrote:
I am not even certain if it is the bench press remember.[/quote]

Yes, I do in fact remember, but as you said, it is one of the variables you suspect, and I was lending my perspective to the matter. I wish you luck in troubleshooting your injury.