Shoulder Exercises

I am interested in starting the following routine:

Monday… Upper Back / Posterior Delts / Triceps

Tuesday… Quads / Calves

Thursday… Chest / Biceps

Friday… Hamstrings / Medial Delts / Lower Back

My questions are how do I isolate the Posterior and Medial delts ??

For medial delts, do standing lateral raises. For posterior delts, do bent over lateral raises.

For even better isolation I would recommend doing the side lateral raises seated. The reverse can also be done from a seated position, however as you get bigger you may find it difficult to breath while doing them bent over and seated. For another variation you can also lay face down on a flat adjustable bench or even on a adjustable incline bench adjusted down as far as it can go.

Don, good points. Just remember not to do your exercises seated all the time. You don’t really work all your stabilizers that way. Even though you are still using free weights, the support of the bench, eliminates some of the stabilizers. Good choices though. Another of my favorites is a seated row, with rope handles, to the ears, for posteriors.

If you spend that much time abusing your shoulder joints your rotator cuff will be on it’s way to hell. Three days a week of working through your shoulder joint is over use to the point on insanity. I only train shoulders directly about 2 months a year. As soon as I stopped training them directly, all my shoulder pain cleared up. If you don’t have extreme shoulder pain already, you will. Guaranteed. Every back workout, every chest workout fatiges the shoulders, keep that in mind. Also, buy some asprin if you plan on following your program.