Some of the guys I train with are telling me I need to take a week or two off from training but I don’t understand why. I have only been back to lifting for about 3 and half months. I have been and still am currently breaking PRs every week it seems like. All my lifts are steadily growing and my diet is in check. I am only training 2-3 days aweek and events training every other week on Saturday. Should I take a break since I am still making PRs and am injury free… or do I need to take a week since its been a few months of hard training. I really hate not training a being out of training makes my weeks extremely boring. Any suggestions on this would be appreciated.
Squat from 275-365
Deadlift from 340-445
Over Head Jerk from 185 for 2 to 250 for 4.
168lbs very lean to 200lbs bulk.
These are a few of the gains I have made just for visual.
No not really honestly has been pretty much balls to wall following a westside/Strongman modified program. Pretty much monday- press Me and Triceps strength. Tuesday- Squat Me and posterior chain. Wednesday Upper back and biceps not to heavy stay around 8-12 reps for sets. Every other Saturday events for Strongman.
My dad was a sailor and he used to always say, “when you see a squall coming, by the time you think its time to reef the sails, its usually too late, the storms on top of you.” I think this applies to deloads. Sometimes if you wait till you feel like you really need it, its too late, and you are already injured. Balls to the wall for 3 and 1/2 months is a pretty good stretch, and you might benefit from a week of active recovery. It will probably also make you stronger and more motivated after the week is over.
I agree whole-hardidly with tip # 1 in this article:
you can try to add dynamic effort days into you work outs where you use sub-maximal weight to build speed-strength. because then you wont be training everyday balls to the wall IM expression
Thanks guys I researched and found article written by Jim wendler on the subject and I like it alot. I tried to post it but can’t get it to link for some reason off my phone. But basically for a week I am going to drop all ME work and substitute 50% DE work and light high Rep RE work. Thanks for all the advice and help.