Alright so this is my senior year of high school and ima try to keep a journal of my shotput throwing and weight training. Heres some info on me…
195 lbs
max bench- 290lbs
max deadlift(straightbar)- 405 lbs
max squat- 355+ lbs (havent maxed on squat in awhile)
max power clean- 255 lbs? (estimation, my sophomore year i got 225 but havent maxed since)
max pullups(bw)- 28 reps
I follow a Joe DeFranco workout. I train 5 days a week…wednesdays tho i just drag sleds. Ima try to incorporate more shoulders into my workout now in preparation for track season.
Last track season, my junior year, my farthest throw in shotput was 43’1". Ive already thrown a couple times so far and its already around the 42-43 mark. I wanna be throwin over 50ft by the end of this season. The actual season doesnt start for another 2 months but indoor season has already started. ive already thrown in one indoor meet (my first indoor meet ever) and i threw around 42ft. ive got another indoor meet coming up in about 2 weeks.
Im trying to style my throwing after Ulf Timmerman by watchin youtube vids of him. i dont think im driving my hips enough when my plant foot hits. i notice that ulf’s plant foot (right foot for right hand throwers) pivots as he rotates his hips. He lands his foot at 45 degrees and then pivots it to 90 degrees (in relation to the back of the ring). My foot doesnt pivot and im trying to work on that. for now, when im throwing for distance, instead of pivoting it im just landing it at 90 degrees.
thats about all i got…ima try to keep posting on here every day i throw. any tips for drills or technique would be appreciated…
gl, thats my goal for senior year as well, i dont have any vids but darby has given me really good advice check the video link he gave me in my log helped alot
The polish thrower Majewski also has the angled foot you talk about.
take a look at this stand throw and notice how his back foot is pointing about 45 degrees from straight back.
Ulf was possible the best technician in terms of being a glider you will ever see. Ulf’s technique is actually very advanced. Watch one of his glide videos like this one:
The current World Jr. Champ has a similar technique:
Notice how in the back of the circle they raise their hips up, then drops them down into their glide? That takes tons and tons of skill and strength. If you watch some of the other gliders you will see that most of them just glide from an almost static start. The dynamic glide that ulf and david both use is a “step up” from a typical glide. What they are doing is dropping into the back of the circle into a position that most gliders would start at. this drop gives them added speed across the circle.
The only way to master their technique is if you master the more basic technique of other gliders, then practice dropping your hips into that position. Ulf has the best technique but you might not want to copy what he does out of the back just yet. It’s really dynamic/jumpy and it may throw you out of position from the back.
Here are some basic tips for the glide that i’ve been piecing together this season:
get low from the back; try to land in the same position at the front of the circle that you left in the back of the circle
-keep your upperbody dead. put something 2 feet out of the back of the circle and keep your eyes on it while you glide as long as you can. This will keep your upper body tight.
In the back, when you get over your strong leg, lean your upper body over that strong leg. imagine keeping your upperbody in that identical position over your strong leg throughout the whole throw.
these may be very unclear to you. if they are unclear i will try to explain more cleary.
nah its clear…i see wat ur saying. and i do watch majewski alot…he’s actually why i started noticing the landing of my foot. um im gonna try to get some footage of me throwing on youtube so i can show u guys my technique…
so for about the past two weeks ive been throwing nuthing but a 16lb shot. im trying to throw 3 times a week but this week it was like super cold and snowing so i only threw twice. idk if its just the heavy shot or wat but im noticing im not getting much out of my glide.
like today with the 16lb i threw 33ft from power but most of my throws were only like 35-36 from glide…although my farthest throw was 37. so idk if thats normal or wat.
for my workout today on bench we did a 4-board press and i got 315 which is a PR for me on 4-board. it makes me think i can do more than 270 on regular bench now.
[quote]bignate wrote:
lookin solid, what numbers u looking at this season? and do u find it helpful to do a few days a week with the 16 for all throws?[/quote]
thanx man. im pretty confident im gonna be in the 45+ range and my goal by the end of season is 50ft. yeah when ur not in outdoor season id definately promote throwin the 16 a couple times a week. like i said earlier, im actually gonna throw nothing but the 16 up until the outdoor season…except of course during indoor meets. when outdoor season comes around im prob gonna throw the 16 maybe once a week depending on how close i am to my next meet. ive heard that u dont wanna throw a 16 right before a meet so im gonna make sure i leave a few days in between.
alright so apparently im no longer doing joe defranco’s workout and im going on a new lifting routine where im only doing legs once a week.
Tuesday jan. 6:
Lower body
A. Squat - max set of 3x3 - 315lbs
B. Rack pulls - one rep max - 585lbs
C. Trap bar deadlift - 5x10 - 275lbs
D. Back extensions(glute-ham raise) - 3x10 w/medicine ball
I’ve heard differing views on throwing a heavier shot. My coach says its only to be done in the pre-season. When youre in season he does not recommend it.
[quote]TomRocco wrote:
I’ve heard differing views on throwing a heavier shot. My coach says its only to be done in the pre-season. When youre in season he does not recommend it. [/quote]
yeah thats pretty much what ive heard too…u wanna avoid it before meets.
Thursday jan.8 workout:
Shoulders and triceps
A. Push Press - 3x6 - 185lbs
B. Seated dumbell military press - 2x10 - 50’s
C. Dumbell Lateral raises - 1x20 - 15’s
D. Skull crushers - 3x6 - 65lbs
E. tricep pushdowns - 3x10 - 30lbs
F. ELbows out - 3x12 - 30’s
got my second indoor meet tonight! so ima do today’s workout tomorrow on saturday
[quote]bignate wrote:
howd the meet go? i hit a pr of 41’ 7’’ today which was sick feeling like ic an just keep climbing up there[/quote]
sweet man congrats on the pr! i also hit a pr in my meet. i hit 45ft even! i knew i was gonna break my old pr when, on my very first warmup throw from power, i hit like 38-39ft!
throwing nothing but the 16lb shot has DEFINATELY helped me alot!! im gonna continue to throw only the 16 all the way up till the outdoor season starts.
[quote]bignate wrote:
u dont have anywhere to throw inside? and nice job on the 45’[/quote]
thanx dude. no i dont even have a rubber shot lol. and even if i did, the people in my community are a bunch of morons so they prob wouldnt let me throw inside anywhere anyways…
it was about 20-something degrees yesterday so i figured since i have a meet tomorrow i should get a couple throws in. i only threw from power tho because the ring was iced over lol. tomorrow’s meet will be my last of the indoor season. there’s actually one more meet left after it but it’s on the same day as the state powerlifting championship (which i will be competing in) so i wont be able to make it.
even tho i havent thrown almost at all since the last meet im still gonna set my goal at 47ft at tomorrow’s meet…i think if i focus on a couple things i can hit that mark…
haha ok so maybe 47ft was little high of a goal considering i hadnt really thrown in like 2 weeks. i only hit 44’8". idk i didnt really feel like i was controlling my form or anything. hopefully the weather will warm up at least to above freezing so i can actually throw some w/o the ring being iced over…