Sheiko FAQ
Sheiko: pronounced “Shay-koh”
Sheiko routines typically take 2.0h to 2.5h depending on the amount of equipment used, volume during that week and your ability to recover.
General Philosophy:
If you can get your hands on a copy of Sheikoâ??s book, you would find that the general philosophy of the routine is to not do what sheiko did, but to make the routine your own. People do not understand this principle and feel that they have to adhere to the way the routine was set up. This applies to all forms of the routine, Borisâ??s or EFSâ??s.
The routine is based around working with 80% of your max over a longer period of time and getting used to handling this much weight for an extended period. While 80% is heavy enough to challenge a lifter, it will not cause a quick burn out and that level of effort can be sustained for years as long as some deload and proper rest/nutrition is applied correctly. The routine can even be described as a powerlifting adaption of an eastern Olympic Weightlifting routine. I believe this to be true if you look at the loading scheme.
You can find EFSâ??s routines here:
You can find the first 4 chapters of Sheikoâ??s book here:
Boris Sheiko’s List of SPP:
Pause Sq
Box Sq
Fr Box Sq
Slow Sq
Front Sq
Wide Front Sq
Zercher Lunge
Front Lunge
Hack Lunge
Duck Foot Sq
Negative Sq
Belt Sq
Sq Lockouts
Crouch Sq ?
Sq with Chains
Smith Machine Sq
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Ham Curls
Sq Jumps
Depth Jumps
Box Jumps
Calf Raises
Snatch Grip High Pulls
Snatch Grip High Pulls from Boxes
Seated High Pulls ?
Hyperextensions/Weighted in various ways
Seated GM
Wide Grip High-touch Bench
Medium Grip Bench
Close Grip Bench
Bench over Foam (arch)
Flat Back Bench
Slow Bench
3-5 sec Pause Bench
Rvs Grip Bench
DE Bench
Bench with Chains
Incline Bench (high touch)
Decline Bench (low touch)
Incline OHP
Behind-the-neck Press
Push Press
Seated OHP
Seated Behind-the-neck Press
Alternate DB OHP Standing
Alternate DB OHP Seated
DB Bench
Pec Deck
Incline Flyes
Weighted Dips
Weighted Pushups
Wide Grip Weighted Pushups
Bench Dips
Defecit DL
Pulls to Knees
Pause Pulls to Knees
Pulls to Knees + finish
Pulls to Knees + Mid Thigh (2 Stops)
Pulls from Boxes + Slow Eccentric
Pulls from Boxes (BTK)
DL Lockouts
Pulls from High Boxes (ATK)
Snatch Grip Pulls from Boxes
Snatch Grip Pulls
Pulls with Chains
High Pulls
Belt Sqs
Seated Pulls ?
Stiff Leg GM�?�¢??s
Seated GM�?�¢??s
Hyperextensions/Weighted Hypers
Roman Chair Situp
Decline Situp
Leg Raises
PM ME and I will add any other useful information.