So I’ve been having this pain for a while, might as well ask if someone else had it, and if you managed to fix it without going tot he doctor.
When squatting deep with anything over a plate, I’ll get this pain in the that little section that bends when sitting. I guess it’s called the crease.
Anyways I go deep enough, the pain seems to come when I go deep. I’m not sure what to do at this point so I just did box squats a bit above parallel and leg press for high reps. It would be nice to do some full squats though.
Where it hurts highlighted in bright yellow, only on the left leg though.
Those are your hip flexors. I’m gonna guess that they need some serious stretching. The thing is it’s hard to say what the problem is based solely on where the pain is.
Squat less frequently (for a while) to relieve those hip flexors (I only squat once a week for now).
Try using a lower bar placement if you aren’t already.
Squat a little wider if you are squatting narrow.
Always look at your feet before squatting to make sure you have proper feet placement. My right foot was shifted to the right and back so that probably didn’t help.
Now, I am doing 100% fine and it’s been a month now. I just did some sets of 205 for 6 with no pain whatsoever last night.
I could have went on with the technicalities of all of this, but I feel that I am still a newbie at this to start giving complex answers. I hope that helped though!
I had the exact same thing happen to me a while back when I got back into squatting. It hurt like hell to try and go deep and squatting big weight wasn’t comfortable at all. Things I would try:
-squat using less weight and go really deep for a while
-use a wider stance, and like xWillx said, check your foot placement, I noticed that one of mine was shifted back and when brought into the proper position helped to remedy the problem
All is well now and I’m back to doing it regularly. Give it a shot.
Squat less frequently (for a while) to relieve those hip flexors (I only squat once a week for now).
Try using a lower bar placement if you aren’t already.
Squat a little wider if you are squatting narrow.
Always look at your feet before squatting to make sure you have proper feet placement. My right foot was shifted to the right and back so that probably didn’t help.
I’ll try all of these, actually now that I think of it, I have been going kind of crazy on the leg training, at one point it was 3 times per week. My stance is also very narrow with my feet pointed out a bit, but this was more of a comfort thing at first.
Does anyone think the abs could indirectly being weak could affect this?
My psoas hurt too, just doing bodyweight squats. I’ve been getting ART treatments on them and stretching every night before bed and it’s still not better. Haven’t squatted in at least 2 weeks either. I don’t know what the problem is, unless I’m stretching too hard and actually causing more trauma… it doesn’t make any sense to me. I can barely feel my quads working when I squat, but I sure as hell can feel those hip flexors.
I’m starting to develop the same problem too. Painful psoas, very little quad fatigue afterwards, with ATG squats 2X/wk moderate weight ramping up from 135wu to 245 5x5. My numbers have stalled lately. I thought this was because I have been focusing on depth(moving from parallel to ATG).
I also have long legs, 6’ 4", 36" inseam. So what stretches are good to help relieve this? I suppose I could do a search…Eric Cressey seems like the guy to talk to
I have the same thing on and off what helps in addition to what the rest said is sitting less, strengthening abs (I like isometric contraction 5x5 explosively since you are garenteed the hip flexor won’t take over) and do a little stretching of your back also just knees over head but don’t over do it. Also do your hips ever pop that happens to me whenever they are tight.
How about getting a piece of 4" PVC pipe and rolling 'em? Helped me. Hip flexor stretches with your knee on some padding in the lunge position for 3 sets of 10s have been helpful for me also, as have leg swings.
I haven’t done dynamic stretching for a while. I’ll try it and see if it helps. I couldn’t even my warm up set today. I’m going to take the weekend off and stretch thoroughly I’ll try to squat again on Monday.
go lighter and work on reps and more sets, let your muscles become accustomed to it ~ ego lifting is bad. you’ll only hurt yourself in the long run. after 2-4 weeks you should be able to get back to incremental weight increases.