SGHP Bad On Rotator Cuff?

I have used SGHP as a staple, but occasionally get shoulder pain. It is lessened with a clean grip. In the long run though, the sghp seems to help by improving the upper and lower traps and thoracic posture which seems to counter lots of bench pressing. IS the sghp a shoulder-healthy move or can it cause rotator cuff issues?

There shouldn’t be any problem if you perform it correctly. Shoulder blades together all the time also when bar is coming down. One que is to think pushing chest out.

Try seated muscle snatches as a warm up

It is normally an indication of pulling too much/too early with the arms. 80-90% of the lift should from from the hips and legs. The arms only finish the lift once the bar has a lot of acceleration.

Thanks. I think I got in a little trouble doing 5’s but trying to bring every rep up all the way. Also, keeping my chest up helps. What about that suggestion though to keep the scapula together? I have seen “experts” who say to get your shoulders forward at the start and not to pull your scapula together, but brace them with the lats.